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OK, That was one of the DUMDEST idea I've EVER heard. I'm really talkin seiously. Hard work then, BAM restart. That's Bull.








If you told a newb this:




"Omg!!! u n33b u dum c0z u hev 2 r3sta1 it!!1111one!!!11!"

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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we don;t want to have to go and get potaot seeds, guam leaves, bronze armour, small fishing nets, bronze pick etc every 3 years juts becuz a minority can't have fun when they hit the lvl 60 ish boundary












how was he being racist? a reset would be pointless, it would end rs. What would be the point in a reset? I dont get your idea, and calling people a racist for no reason makes things worse.








would you like to know what a minority is?








besides, if you look at the top lists you'll see what level I am.

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i think this could quite possibly be the worst idea i have ever read on thsi board. How many people would quit if that happened. Jagex would loze so much money. And no one in there mind would "choose" to reset there char they spent years on. Wouldn't they just make another char and start from scartch :wink:

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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it hasnt even been 2 years. the people who are the best now would stay the best, they would be the ones training hard and you would still be a lazy noob

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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I think runescape should have a reset. Just because It's not so fun to be high level anymore because in reality you really aren't a high level and someone else is better than you... seriously though.




You sure have a clear way to express yourself.








I know people have spent* lots of time on runescape leveling up their characters and whatnot, but it would be cool for us not so high level-ers to finally get on that top list or not get pked by dudes in the wild and whatnot. I just think it would be cool. and it's been like 3 years since they released RS2. Yup tis time. :twisted:




It wouldn't be "cool" at all. You're saying that people spending years on their account should have that wasted because someone who has played a month wants to be the best and don't want to die in wild. Why don't you just have a poster around your neck saying "I'm a selfish moron"?








hey I'm not some noob who's level 23 running around in steel chainmails! I'm level 60 and got me 400k that took me a VERY long time to get.




Oh, that certainly changes everything. You just justified your points towards people twice your combat and 2000 times your money count. Or maybe you proved them worthless. One of the two at least.











You're all saying that you wouldn't play if you knew it would reset every 3 years? Well consider taht a good thing because then it gives other peeps different things to do other than play runescape. It would definantly weed out plenty of people.




Congratulations, you found the most effective way for Jagex to get broke and ruin the fun for everyone but you. You should really try out the poster thing.

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the thing I find msot disturbing about the posts is the shear lack of logic








No matter when you join the game your will end up in a certain palce in high scores according to how good you are








So ok say the reset did happen, you people might suddenly become high ranked for about a week, but the nature of runescape would mean the good players would once again gain xp faster than you and within a week the highscores would be near identical to their current state except everyone would be about lvl 70 - 80 instead of all the 99's








It doesn't matter when you join you achieve rank by skill








I mean many players who have played since rsc first came out have overall rankings that still hang out at around 100,000








I have played my account 2 years, 1 of whihc I didn;t even really stats train and I am now hovering around the 20,000 area








Why is that?








Becuase I am a better player than thoose longer term players that I have risen above








Would reseting make a differenece? No they would still be training at thier rate and I at mine so I would still end up above them on the scores








Its simple logic high scores are nothing to do with time, especially since alot of high ranks barely play anymore they are what they state, high scores, the people who get there get there becuase they are skilled players








You can rant a rave all you want but its true. I mean within 3 days of getting members I had risen from 1 agility to 60 is that becuasee I had played the account for about 10 months before that no its because I was a good enough player to achieve that


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I played a MUD a long time ago where if you beat the game (Runescape it would be maxing out all your stats), your character was restarted, but you had a special status marker showing you had beat the game. You could beat the game seven times, and then you became a god. Maybe this could be a solution that would make everybody happy. It would be optional, of course, so if you wanted to play with a maxed out character for a while, you could. I mean, it takes forever to max out your stats once. If becoming a minor deity of Runescape could be an award....

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I think runescape should have a reset. Just because It's not so fun to be high level anymore because in reality you really aren't a high level and someone else is better than you... seriously though.




Well thats runescape live with it, you are ment to work hard, just because there are people who are better than you it deosn't mean that the game shuold be reset


Fel 'n ddedwydd ydy 'r hunau drwo choel a cer am 'r yn bucheddu.

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