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Isn't beer and alcohol bad for you??


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You said in your first sentence that the topic is not talking about how healthy things are for your heart (anti-oxidants), then you come around and say that it is good for your heart and call my point of view crap because it does not support yours.




When I said alcohol could have beneficial health effects I was answering claims that it was terribly unhealthy. I was not claiming that it was the best way of keeping your heart healthy. I was claiming drinking alcohol is not anything like as bad as the original poster (who I even quoted in my reply) seemed to believe.








With that in mind, I couldn't care less if a Hershey's bar is better than alcohol for the health for your heart, it has nothing to do with the point I was making.








I honestly didn't think my point was too hard to comprehend. Obviously I was wrong, since it went straight over your head (or is that normal?).

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Alcohol in moderate levels...




...strengthens bones.




...lowers the risk of heart disease




...lowers risk of type 2 diabetes




...lowers chance of gallstones




...improves digestion when taken before a meal








but there are downfalls of heavy drinking I don't need to mention because everybody already knows








See http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/alcohol.html

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You said in your first sentence that the topic is not talking about how healthy things are for your heart (anti-oxidants), then you come around and say that it is good for your heart and call my point of view crap because it does not support yours.




When I said alcohol could have beneficial health effects I was answering claims that it was terribly unhealthy. I was not claiming that it was the best way of keeping your heart healthy. I was claiming drinking alcohol is not anything like as bad as the original poster (who I even quoted in my reply) seemed to believe.








With that in mind, I couldn't care less if a Hershey's bar is better than alcohol for the health for your heart, it has nothing to do with the point I was making.








I honestly didn't think my point was too hard to comprehend. Obviously I was wrong, since it went straight over your head (or is that normal?).








Well, then. You certainly could have said it more nicely in your first post.








And when I was commenting in the first place about the Hershey's bar, it was to the original poster, not to you. Which really means you just attacked me.








And I agree with the guy a couple of posts above this. Its a double standard that there are a large number of alcoholics and we are worried about marijauna. I call for Prohibition to be reinstated so that the weed people are treated fairly.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Alcohol is a drug, and there are two kinds of drugs: Stimulants and depressants. What some people don't realise is that alcohol is a depressive. It acts as a stimulant in small units (ie. drinking responsibly) but after that it becomes a very strong depressent. So, if you ever hear the cliche: "Drinking away my sorrows" from anyone, slap them upside their head. They're only making it worse.








However, alcohol can be quite harmless if taken responsibly. It undeniably, for some people, enhances emotions in some situations, yet these people can also have fun without the need. As Rizla said before, if you drink alcohol to begin having fun, then you have a problem.

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Alchohol makes college parties ten times better than what they would be dry, in fact they wouldn't really be worth going to without.








In highschool I never drank any alchohol and therefore never felt the effects of alchohol so I never learned how to drink responsibly. The first time I drank at college was way to much and I had to learn the hard way what my body could and couldn't take.








There is alot of other things that can be more harmful to your health that I will never do, like smoking or voting Republican.

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Alchohol makes college parties ten times better than what they would be dry, in fact they wouldn't really be worth going to without.








In highschool I never drank any alchohol and therefore never felt the effects of alchohol so I never learned how to drink responsibly. The first time I drank at college was way to much and I had to learn the hard way what my body could and couldn't take.








There is alot of other things that can be more harmful to your health that I will never do, like smoking or voting Republican.








I don't know about you, but I have had tons of fun at dry parties. Yes, fun dry parties at one of the biggest "party schools" in the US.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Everything is bad when you take too much of it. And you have to be a very strong drinker to die from alcohol, there's nothing to wory about when you get drunk once a month or something, just don't get drunk every day. And when you feel a bit drunk don't drink much more, because that is dangerous.








I drink about two/three beers and sometimes a glass of wine a day, on saturdays I don't really keep the count but it's more than usual. I drink it because I like the taste of a beer or a Sambuca to go with my coffee or a mix drink when I'm going out. Especially a beer after a hard days of work or when I'm going out. I don't drink to get drunk (I used to when I was younger; three/four years ago), I can have a perfectly fun evening without getting drunk. But I can have a great night out when I'm drunk as well, the price I have to pay the next morning is nothing compared to the great night I had.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Everything is bad when you take too much of it. And you have to be a very strong drinker to die from alcohol, there's nothing to wory about when you get drunk once a month or something, just don't get drunk every day. And when you feel a bit drunk don't drink much more, because that is dangerous.















Actually, you can drink enough in 3 hours to kill you. We've had kids die of alcohol poisoning here.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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And when you feel a bit drunk don't drink much more, because that is dangerous.














Actually, you can drink enough in 3 hours to kill you. We've had kids die of alcohol poisoning here.








What you said what I was aiming for in the bolded part.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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But you said "you have to drink strongly to die from alcohol."








A girl here died after 6 shots because she had anemia. And some large guys (and gals) may not even feel drunk when hypoxia and alcohol poisoning sets in. Drinking in moderation is not defined clearly.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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But you said "you have to drink strongly to die from alcohol."








A girl here died after 6 shots because she had anemia. And some large guys (and gals) may not even feel drunk when hypoxia and alcohol poisoning sets in. Drinking in moderation is not defined clearly.








I was talking about healthy people. With drinking strongly I meant drinking gallons of Alchohol a day for most cases. Yes, there are exceptions. I'm terribly sorry, I'll put 100 disclaimers in my reply before I hit the submitt button next time.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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It's no problem, and nothing to do with your post.








As I reread your post, it makes sense to me, but at first glance I was confused. I just want to make sure some of our more impressionable forum-goers don't get the wrong idea. There are guys here who haven't the foggiest idea what beer does to thier bodies, only that it is "cool" to drink it.












EDIT: Last sentence is referring to guys at my Uni. Who are even of the legal age.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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It's okay, maybe I was a little vague too. Sometimes I have a hard time translating my thoughts to English.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Its just like this kids drink it to get drunk, its fun because it makes you act like yourself and very silly. Its fun to be around drunk people and being drunk.








Adults mostly drink it for the taste, mostly, not all. Something like wine can go very good with some foods. etc etc








I mean eating a drive-thru burger is bad for you too, but some people do it everyday. You can't live a fully sheltered life, and alcohol taste/effects far outway the consequence for me. I can see why some people choose not to drink, and thats fine with me too, i never pressured anyone to drink, and its a choice that one must make on his own.


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As some other people have mentioned it is important to realise that there are different levels of drinking. You can't classfy having one corona over dinner the same as tequila shooting at a party (ie shots.gif) . Quite a few studies have proven that certain amounts of wine can be beneficial for the body, it is just when people drink in excess that it becomes a problem.








However in saying that you will go to enough parties (or any social environment) where people are getting really drunk and you will probably learn what your limit it. The biggest problem in my opinion is people who got out every weekend and get absolutely tanked, that can't be good for the body.








Nothing wrong with drinking responsibly












One tequila, two tequila, three tequila... FLOOR.








Drinking alchohol is only bad if it's in large quantities. Depending on what you drink. You can drink more beer (~6% alchohol) more than vodka (~60% alchohol) without it affecting you too badly.

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ok i asked my health teacher today if alcohol can be healthy for you. She said that the only "ok" alcohol is red wine. she siad normal beers have lots of calaries which i think makes you fat, and it can be bad for your liver if you drink over 2 of them every day.

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ok i asked my health teacher today if alcohol can be healthy for you. She said that the only "ok" alcohol is red wine. she siad normal beers have lots of calaries which i think makes you fat, and it can be bad for your liver if you drink over 2 of them every day.








It has been proven that beer does NOT make you fat. When you drink beer it results to being lazy and sitting around doing nothing. The sitting around doing nothing gets you fat.








In these kind of discussions I have 1 vast point: "I'd rather live short and enjoy every minute of it (really living), than living long and constantly watching things and don't enjoy it (which isn't really what life is for in my opinion)."








So even if it's bad, I wouldn't care. Though on the point I made I do have some restrictions as in don't go too far. What I'm asking myself also is why is alcohol not considered as drugs and weed is? It's both bad for you (if you take too much), it both messes up your mental condition, so I don't know the difference. I don't know why everyone supports drinking alcohol, and thinks weed is some kind of evil herb. It's not that addicitve either, I see more alcohol addicts than weed addicts. I'd like to ask other people's opinions on this too (if it's ok), cause I really can't figure out how it's the way it is.








Right on.I don't wanna get old the point where every single joint and muscle in your body hurts. Therefore I don't really care if I have to sacrafice 5 years of my life to have a good time.








Why is weed illegal and beer legal? I have no clue. At parties and trips I think that alcohol causes more problems than weed. When you light upa joint, you feel relaxed and love the world. With alcohol people have a time period where there all energetic and crazy. I think we need to legalize weed.

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Just my personal opinion: I hate any type of alcohol. I hate it and I will never drink it, not in my entire life. Anyone drinking just for the hell of it is just completely daft in my opinion. Don't quote me on this though. I don't want anyone going imo on me. I've had some really crappy experiences in my life because of alcohol.

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ok i asked my health teacher today if alcohol can be healthy for you. She said that the only "ok" alcohol is red wine. she siad normal beers have lots of calaries which i think makes you fat, and it can be bad for your liver if you drink over 2 of them every day.




Drinking too much alcohol will damage your liver, regardless of whether or not the alcohol happens to be in red wine, beer or anything else. Drinking 'a bit too much' a few times isn't going to cause permanant damage, however, since the liver does have the capacity to regenerate.








Alcohol does have some health benefits, as listed before. Whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks is debated often, although it will presumably depend on your genetic predisposition to the various diseases it affects and your health in general.












And when I was commenting in the first place about the Hershey's bar, it was to the original poster, not to you. Which really means you just attacked me.




So your mentioning Hershey's bars and antioxidants had nothing to do with my post (which you quoted), but was actually aimed at someone who hadn't said anything about cardiac health? Seriously, I know it makes a nice excuse to accuse me of attacking you, but you're not kidding anyone.








This is one of the most pointless conversations I've had in a long time.

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There's absolutely nothing like slogging your guts out for the day digging in the yard or carving up firewood... and having someone hand you an ice cold beer at the end of it. That moment when the first sip of sweet sweet beer hits the back of your throat is as close to heaven as I'm ever going to get.

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It has been proven that beer does NOT make you fat. When you drink beer it results to being lazy and sitting around doing nothing. The sitting around doing nothing gets you fat.








Thats probably wrong. Beer is full of things that make you fat. So is bread, and food, and just about anything but water.








And collective, you are a really nice person. My chocolate comment was directed towards the very first person I saw who said alcohol was healthy for you. Sorry you took it personally.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I don't drink because I can't stand feeling helpless, stupid, and completely subjectable to the will of others.








Now, for those of you saying that alcohol can somehow be healthy...








I can't believe the people that make these studies sometimes.








Think about it, wine is most often drank by higher class individuals. Those individuals with more money often are able to afford much better medical treatment and are more inclined to eat healthier foods instead of relying on cheap fast food. It's ironic, but real food is rather expensive sometimes...








The alcohol has nothing to do with longevity, it's the lifestyles of those who drink wine.








I'm not saying it's bad for you (in moderation!), but it certainly isn't beneficial as so many of you have claimed.

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It has been proven that beer does NOT make you fat. When you drink beer it results to being lazy and sitting around doing nothing. The sitting around doing nothing gets you fat.








Thats probably wrong. Beer is full of things that make you fat. So is bread, and food, and just about anything but water.








And collective, you are a really nice person. My chocolate comment was directed towards the very first person I saw who said alcohol was healthy for you. Sorry you took it personally.








Beer not fattening: official




Excellent - make mine a pint




By Lester Haines




Published Wednesday 9th March 2005 15:02 GMT




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Those of us who like a few pints already know that beer fights cancer and is an absolute life-saver in an avalanche emergency situation, but what about the apparently proven effect of ale on the old waistline, eh?








After all, anyone who has ever been on a package holiday to the Spanish costas can attest to the terrifying expansion of the British male's belly in response to a few hundred gallons of San Miguel...








Or maybe not. A new campaign by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), as reported on the BBC, highlights the most satisfying fact that beer in reality has less calories than wine, milk or orange juice - 41, 77, 64 and 42 per cent per 100ml, respectively.








What actually causes the beer belly is the overwhelming desire to partake of an enormous kebab or plate of curry after a particularly robust session, the BBPA says. This is true, although the BBPA is not taking in account something else all beer-drinkers know: that doner kebabs combat male pattern baldness and curry increases attractiveness to the opposite sex.








Which is why people who prefer wine are invariably bald and single - despite having a waistline like Calista Flockhart. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî

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Bah, for all the barley and yeast in there, I am surprised it is so lite.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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