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h0w do u make pixels?


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Well... Some people draw it then scan it and copy the lines in paint. Other people just use paint for the whole thing. I'm trying pixeling too. It's impossible to get the same results as the best pixelers on tip it on the first try so don't get your hopes up. :lol: Hope it helped.


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To make pixels:












1)First you must construct an altar of darkness from human skulls.








2)Next, you must empower this altar with the blood of the holy, for this, any monk or priest(make sure you get the non pedophiliac ones) will do.








3)On this newly empowered altar of darkness you must sacrifice your first born by performing a series of intricate santanic rituals, or if you don't have a frist born yet, a mountain goat will do.








4)After the sacrifice, place your computer on top of the altar and sprinkle it with some of the leftover blood while simultaneously chanting the chant of "make me my first nooby pixel" chant.








5)After waiting 1 week while periodically sprinkling blood onto your computer, you should now have completed your first pixel.




























...and if the above method doesn't work for you, you can always just crank up paint, and start drawing with the mouse dot by dot.

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To make pixels:












1)First you must construct an altar of darkness from human skulls.








2)Next, you must empower this altar with the blood of the holy, for this, any monk or priest(make sure you get the non pedophiliac ones) will do.








3)On this newly empowered altar of darkness you must sacrifice your first born by performing a series of intricate santanic rituals, or if you don't have a frist born yet, a mountain goat will do.








4)After the sacrifice, place your computer on top of the altar and sprinkle it with some of the leftover blood while simultaneously chanting the chant of "make me my first nooby pixel" chant.








5)After waiting 1 week while periodically sprinkling blood onto your computer, you should now have completed your first pixel.




























...and if the above method doesn't work for you, you can always just crank up paint, and start drawing with the mouse dot by dot.




Thanks for the laugh (got boring homework) :lol:

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woot awsome pix guide random, ya should so try and get that into the list ofsigmaking guides! shame the mountain goat (theyre hard to come by these days)








oh yeah, to c3po (who started this topic) check the list of sigmaking guides (sticky on this forum)


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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