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Pures bonus


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Me and my irl friend are like constantly argueing about this, ive done a quick search on the forums and i havn't found anything. But is there such thing as a pure bonus? I recon there isn't my RL friend thinks there is, could someone "shed some light" on this matter please?








Thanks in advance,









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as in getting highest possible bonus but on your pure char?




















i got lvl 50 pure 1 defense, drag long and dagger (s), zammy book, obby cape klanks guants, climbing boots.








that all adds a bit of str bonus and slash.

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Nonono what I mean by the pure bonus is that if you're pure you would get a bonus if your pure so if there's a level 85 non-pure would hit like 24 a pure would hit around 25 or 26, that's what i meant by a pure bonus

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i highly doubt this, i have a mage pure and i never hit harder with spells than my main "used" to


RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed.


BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud.

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Nonono what I mean by the pure bonus is that if you're pure you would get a bonus if your pure so if there's a level 85 non-pure would hit like 24 a pure would hit around 25 or 26, that's what i meant by a pure bonus




of course a pure will hit harder with the same combat level.. that's why there are pures.




How come? a pure won't gain any combat levels from defence, will an non pure will get them.


So pure will hit higher , but you will hit more often (normally)

Semi - retired, playing WoW

Combat lvl: 103 | Total lvl: 1542


Goals: | Fletching lvl: 97/[b:05c6bf8

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well assuming that both characters have lets say 70 strength, theres no reason one would hit harder than the other regardless of combat level.


RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed.


BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud.

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There is no pure bonus. Your friend is mis-stating the factors that go into a character's combat level.




The type of combat skills that go into a pure 85 would be purely(!) melee, whereas a non-pure would have magic, range and prayer levels affect his combat level. Therefore, an 85 pure would have higher melee combat levels to counter-balance the non-pure's higher magic, etc.




Therefore again, the 85 melee pure would hit higher, having trained a higher strength. This does not constitute a bonus. Anyone with xx strength and associated gear will hit the same amounts of damage.




Defense pures actually suffer a penalty. Being unable to wear certain top-grade items causes them to lose out on equipment bonuses that could raise their hits.

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Nonono what I mean by the pure bonus is that if you're pure you would get a bonus if your pure so if there's a level 85 non-pure would hit like 24 a pure would hit around 25 or 26, that's what i meant by a pure bonus




Melee damage is based on your strength level(and gear), not your combat level and if your pure or not.

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