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Mime - Help Required


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yo ppl. wad were u guys doin when u got ur mime? i wanna hav a try at getting my mime stuff back. i died and lost them. hahaz. been trying for 1 yr.








Cauz runescape is operated by java. and yep. there can never be an absolute random. i juz realized tat to get gravedigger events, u must first bury loads of bones ( small ones: 4.5 exp ea ). i dont noe abt big bones. but i did tt and got full zombie and two new emotes in 3 hrs. yea. it was in the dark wizards place at south varrock. i noticed its a hotspot for Leo to come and grab ppl away. At least 6 guys got teleported to the graveyard.








So, what were you guys doing and where were you when u got ur mime random?

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I got my mime while training...But you should reword your post, bad grammar.


its actually "reward", but u should "reward" your post, bad grammed.


Uh, what the frick are you talking about? He should give his post a benefit for putting forth extra effort? He's supposed to change the words, thus he is supposed to reword his post. Hes not rewarding his post because he said it poorly...




I got my mimes when I hi alced items at lesser demons. It seems after a long period of repetitive action followed by a spell or use of an item gets random events.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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thanks people. i shall try woodcutting then burning willows all the way from 56 to 76 firemakin. if i get a mime, i will tell u guys.




btw. anyone knows whether not talking will help u get randoms faster? i heard tt if u dun talk, jagex will somehow tink u r bottin and so send a random. same for repetitive things.

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thanks people. i shall try woodcutting then burning willows all the way from 56 to 76 firemakin. if i get a mime, i will tell u guys.




btw. anyone knows whether not talking will help u get randoms faster? i heard tt if u dun talk, jagex will somehow tink u r bottin and so send a random. same for repetitive things.




The only theory I have heard about mimes is that having a full inventory while doing something helps. The reasoning is that the Mysterious Old Man teleports you to the mime, and that if your inventory is full, he is not able to give you a box (which cannot be dropped). The theory states that this leads to more mazes and mime events.

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