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new monsters, special weapons and items


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So dagannoth kings drop the Seercull and special rings, and abyssal demons drop whips.




However, I think that we should have many more of these special items.




Note: I stole the ideas from the game Exile III, lol.




Monster: Naga (level 240, aggresive)




These are legendary snake creatures with the face of a woman. Their attacks are magic based (they can cast up to Earth Wave) and are resistant to magic. Their melee attacks are weaker but can poison if they hit. They can be found in dark caves. They can also summon monsters up to level 50.




Rare drops: Amulet of the Cobra, asp-skin gloves




Amulet of the Cobra: Makes your poison do 1 HP extra damage per time interval, and makes you take 1 HP damage less.




asp-skin gloves: more common, makes player do 1 HP extra damage in poison, but does not reduce poison and adds +3 to each damage defense




Monster: Zkal (level 380, aggresive)




Zkal is a lich who lives in a magical tower that drains the magical energy of players as soon as they enter. Zkal has level 99 prayer and magic and can cast all the spells that a level 99 mage can cast, including Teleblock!




Rare drops: Ring of Endless Magery




The ring has +20 magic bonus to both offensive and defense areas, and a "rub" option, which gives players +5 magic to their magic skill at any one time. After it has been used 40 times, it loses the "rub" option, although it still provides the +20 magic bonus. The player can take it to a "strange wizard" to get it recharged for 100k gp.




Other rare and semi-rare items from existing monsters:




Dark beasts: Micah's gloves (+15 magic, +4 defense to each damage type), nimble gloves (+3 defense to each damage type, makes thieeving easier)




Black demons: Helm of speed (allows player to have up tp +20% run energy above normal) (+6 defense to each damage type) (ie: 120%, etc)




Red dragons: Ring of speed (same as helm of speed but no defense bonuses)




Chaos elemental: Boots of Apollo (gives player 20% extra run energy, has +3 defense to all damage, and reduces all [mass] carried by 6kg, minimum 0 kg), boots of speed (weaker version, gives 15% instead)




Infernal mages: Ring of Will (+12 offensive and defense magic, player has better chance to resist curse and Teleblock spells)




Green dragons: Aescal's Ring (heals player completely when rubbed, can only be rubbed once, player can get it recharged by a "faith healer" for 20k gp)




Black dragons: Amber periapt (reduces poison damage by 1 HP, reduces disease "damage" by 3 stat points), Lifeshield (same as Ring of Life but gives 3 uses, +40 defense to melee and range, +5 magic defense)




Giant skeletons (140): Silver ankh (+25% defense when fighting undead), Lifesaver Amulet (same as Ring of Life but with two uses)




Fire giants: Fire stone (thrown weapon, needs 30 range and has effect of fire bolt, but gives range exp instead), exploding arrow (needs yew short to fire, has effect of Fire Blast after after normal damage resembling that of a bronze arrow, and gives ranged exp)




Otherworldly beings: Alien blade (+40 slash, +22 stab, -4 range and crush), a permanently poisoned blade that does initial poison damage of 2. Special attack: if successful, does 120% damage and instantly poisons (25% used)




Dropped by multiple monsters:




Onyx charm (+30 to melee and range defense, +40 magic defense)




Flaming sword: +30 slash, +15 slash, -2 magic and crush, extra damage against water-based creatures. Special attack: Burn (hits enemy with Fire Blast-like spell but gives melee damage, uses 25%)




Bow of Kag: This longbow uses two arrows at a time. When first found, it only does the firepower of one arrow. However, the player can take it to a ranging guild researcher will give the bow its full potential for 200k gp and 2k bronze arrows.




Heartfinder: An enchanted rapier with permanent poison that does 4 damage initially. It has stats +50 stab, +30 slash, and -5 crush. Special attack: Heart strike (does 130% damage usually with a 10% chance to do a 30+ damage hit, this chance goes up witht he player's attack level, uses 45% special)




Krysknife: a weaker version of the Heartfinder, has +40 stab, 20 slash, and -4 crush. Special attack does 120% damage if hits and has chance to do a 20+ damage hit. Uses 35% of special meter.




Mace of Disruption: +60 crush, +40 stab, -8 slash, and does 150% damage against undead. Special attack: Pound (does 200% normal damage, but attack reduced by 15%), uses 25% special




The following items should be considered very rare:




Onyx Sceptor: a powerful magic staff with +35 magic, +20 stab, and +70 crush. requires level 90 magic and 50 attack to wield. Special attack: Temporal Strike (does spell that does up to 35 damage and Teleblocks for 2 minutes, uses 75% special)




Ring of Resistance: +50 defense to each damage type, reduces poison and disease effects by 3 stat points




Smite: +100 crush, -20 stab, slash, range, and magic. This is a magical hammer that does 160% damage against giantkind, needs 75 strength to wield. Special attack: Smite (does a powerful attack that does 2x damage, uses 25% attack)




Death Lance: +100 stab, +30 magic, and -15 else. Needs 50 magic and 75 attack to wield. Special attack: Kill (does a magical blast that does up to 45 damage, uses 100% meter)




Obsidian Halberd: +120 slash, +100 stab, +25 crush, and -20 else. Needs 80 attack and strength to wield. Special attack: Slay (does 2x damage), uses 50% special




Pachtar's Plate: A playe worn by a legendary armor: Gives +140 to all non-magic stats, with -10 magic. Needs level 80 defense to wield.




Comments and criticism welcome.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Not gonna happen. For starters, you use the names of characters, or something, in your item names. All named items would have to come from some quest or something. Secondly, Jagex is never going to create a hoard of new monsters just because they were requested by some fan.




Plus, a whole freaking ton of the items seem waaay overpowered.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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I can see where your heading with this, more variety in items. But i agree many are over powered plus that giant hord of monsters will need a huge amount of new areas to be designed. Also lol my bank is crammed with enough stuff as it is. Kudos for trying it though.

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