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compensation for RSC players


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In light of recent events of RuneScape Classic, I suggest that Jagex should add some features to RS2 to compensate the removal of RSC to free and paying users alike:




One the losses is the thrill of PKing. Yep, the 3 round rule.




Jagex should add a large section of Wilderness to both free and Members, and make it so that once you fight, you can't retreat until 3 melee rounds have passed.




Also, for dueling, Jagex should add the duel anywhere feature back.




As for removing the free version, I think Jagex should add a small kingdon with 3 large new quests for the free version. Also, for Members who can't play RSC, Jagex should add a largge new kingdom with a whole new series of epic quests.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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in other words


"F2P N33D M00R3 ST000000FS!!!!!!!"


no thank you.


people that have played RSC in the past 6 months can still play it, can't they? anyone who liked playing it can still do that. jagex doesnt need to compensate for ANYTHING. no, not to the free players either. they get the game for free, and, in my opinion, you have no right to comlain about anything you get for free.


about the new kingdoms (or "kindoms" as you call em), WHAT DO YOU THINK JAGEX IS DOING ALL THE TIME?!?!?!


jagex is CONSTANTLY adding new quests and kingdoms.... jeez...

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in other words "F2P N33D M00R3 ST000000FS!!!!!!!"


no thank you.




May i say this was a pointless post? He didn't ask for 'M00R3 ST0000fS', he asked for an update in the fighting system. It is nessecary, because PK-ing takes no melee anymore, it's all about magic and binding. Not to mention that having a team makes you a good pker, even if your stats suck. I'm pro the 'bringing back the 3hit rule', because you'll know then what pking is, and teleporting/praying wouldn't be a problem anymore then.


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Are you trying to say they are making Runescape more realistic? With dragons, magic and talking cows? Seriously?




The 3 second rule was better. There are a lot of RSC things that were better than what the game has now, but I don't think they'll ever come back. One of the reasons may be because Jagex would see it as a backwards step.

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in other words "F2P N33D M00R3 ST000000FS!!!!!!!"


no thank you.




May i say this was a pointless post? He didn't ask for 'M00R3 ST0000fS', he asked for an update in the fighting system. It is nessecary, because PK-ing takes no melee anymore, it's all about magic and binding. Not to mention that having a team makes you a good pker, even if your stats suck. I'm pro the 'bringing back the 3hit rule', because you'll know then what pking is, and teleporting/praying wouldn't be a problem anymore then.




did you take a look at this?


As for removing the free version, I think Jagex should add a small kingdon with 3 large new quests for the free version




thats what he asked for. and, as I said in my first post, anyone who likes RSC better than RS2 can still play it, provided they played RSC in the past six months. (which you would have if you liked it better)




I think it's good there's no 3 round rule anymore, this way, people with normal accounts can still PK in the wilderniss, where in RSC they would get a huge kick to lumby by the 10 000 pures there. In my opinion, you should be able to enjoy the WHOLE game with one account. with the 3 round rule that wont be possible, because it will all be about 3 hitting your opponent with a 40 att 99 str 1 def account.

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Are you trying to say they are making Runescape more realistic? With dragons, magic and talking cows? Seriously?




My friend Betsy the Cow here is offended that you don't think she exists.




The 3 second rule was better. There are a lot of RSC things that were better than what the game has now, but I don't think they'll ever come back. One of the reasons may be because Jagex would see it as a backwards step.




I remember the 3-round rule, and it was *interesting*. Made life hard when you were mining and trying to avoid getting the snot kicked out of you by a scorpian (in hindsight, I really shouldn't have mined there in RSC).




Was nice for pkers, but with some of the funky new stuff avaliable to pkers now, it shouldn't be needed. *shouldn't* I say :P.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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Thanks Raichase, I was wondering where Betsy had wandered off to, and don't forget, she prefers dark ale.




As well, some Wiccans (among others) may be offended by your assertion that magic isn't real.




As well, who is to say that dragons aren't, or weren't at one time? After all, what is a dragon but a large lizard...kinda like a dinosaur maybe?




In any case, if enough people believed that the three-hit/second/round rule were truly that great, don't you believe that it would have been kept? Most changes that are made are made because the MAJORITY of the people who play find them to be better.




Face it, PKers are not in the majority. And, subsequently, things which they often find beneficial to their profession are usually frowned upon by the non-PKing majority.

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I remember the 3-round rule, and it was *interesting*. Made life hard when you were mining and trying to avoid getting the snot kicked out of you by a scorpian (in hindsight, I really shouldn't have mined there in RSC).




Was nice for pkers, but with some of the funky new stuff avaliable to pkers now, it shouldn't be needed. *shouldn't* I say :P.




You pick up on the point well there. If we accept that it was "better", because of the way the game has evolved and the way the classes, combat and every other system is now, re-introducing it would be very difficult and somewhat obsolete.

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Hmm, also re: the 3-round rule, how would it work in multi-combat? I can see myself in the wilderness, trying to flee, and someone comes up and starts hitting me. After the second round of combat, someone else joins in and the first guy runs away, then comes back again.




Two people could effectivly trap someone by tag teaming them in a multi-zone, which is far worse than being tag teamed currently :|

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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Hmm, also re: the 3-round rule, how would it work in multi-combat? I can see myself in the wilderness, trying to flee, and someone comes up and starts hitting me. After the second round of combat, someone else joins in and the first guy runs away, then comes back again.




Two people could effectivly trap someone by tag teaming them in a multi-zone, which is far worse than being tag teamed currently :|




Haha. No teleblock necessary. ;D

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