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Funny or serious?


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I have a question for everyone...




what kind of sig makes you satisfied? a serious sig








or a funny sig








NOTE: this isnt a very funny sig but u get the point..




So which one makes you feel the most excited or gives you that rush...?




i would like your comments please, everyone come on now.



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both sigs give me that rush! im so passionate about them!!




























:lol: lol nice view


First pair of dragon legs 18/01/05

Second pair of dragon legs 21/01/05

Third pair of dragon legs 23-01-05

Fourth pair of dragon legs 24-01-05

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I like funny, myself.








That's why I like Ryan's sig so much. It show's creativity, despite being 10x easier to make than any abstract/pixel sig.








Ryan's sig:








The person below me _D_.




A. Is a poo poo head.




B. Says this sig is lame.




C. Has a "trendy" pixel sig.




D. Is still laughing because I said "poo poo."

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