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Runeweb Keylogger??


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My last topic was locked but I didn't explain it good enough. I downloaded Runeweb.net's highscore look-up. Not the thing in my signature, please go to http://www.runeweb.com and go in downloads, I download the highscore look up and it was 200Kb but it doesn't seem to work, is this at all a keylogger and is there anyway to have a keylogger 200kb in size??




Thanks. Please don't lock this if you don't understand. Instead let me correct myself.

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Alright thanks, is it free?




Can anyone else tell me if this is a keylogger or if I am doing something wrong, because I have heard of keyloggers that can' be detected like the enfamous 'Ion duper' that was released and the keylogger was man-made to be undetectable.

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I just dl'ed the runeweb.net hiscore lookup tool, and it came up as negative on Norton and Kaspersky. That's not to say that the guy didn't go to the trouble to create his own trojan, but still, I think you're safe.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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Heres a question, do any of you remember the old fan site runenews.net? They used to be pretty big but then they closed down when the owner lost intrest in the site and forum users decided to create RuneWeb when RuneNews was shut down completely.




So to answer your question, yes, RuneWeb is legit and you wont get any malicious keyloggers or viruses from downloading content off their site.




Also, if you dont believe me, mabey you should go straight to the source and ask about it on their forums. Im sure they know a hell of a lot more about their own site than what some users here would know.

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Also, if you dont believe me, mabey you should go straight to the source and ask about it on their forums. Im sure they know a hell of a lot more about their own site than what some users here would know.
And you really believe that if it was a keylogger they would go straight up and say "yes, you have downloaded a keylogger and we're hacking you"? :P




But no, Ruenwebs is pretty secure, i know a few coders from the site, there shouldnt be any danger... However, you should always be on the watch when you download stuff, which is generally why Tip.It doesn't have any downloadables...

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A keylogger can be made very small very easily. I know nothing about whether or not runeweb is legit, but if you're worried do an online virus scan (try this http://www.pandasoftware.com/products/activescan) and scan with ad-aware or spybot search and destroy.




IF this virus has not yet been added to these programs it may or may not be picked up however. Virus scanners look for common pieces of code used by viruses, each binary is analysed to see if it contains snippets of code (that is why you are asked whether or not you beleive something is a virus as some pieces of code may look syspicious but really arn't).



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