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New prayers!!!!!!


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ok here is my idea


prayer lv 55-protect 2 items( protects 2 items from ur inventory if u die )


58-weightless(run like u weigh 0kgs)


tele- if ur prayer falls below 10 u get auto teled to lumbrige


61- stamina rush( ur rune dosentr go down whil this prayer is on)


64mega D-100% resistant from all attaks - drains very quick!





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Protect 2 items - i wouldnt mind something like that




Weightless - everyone who has lvl 58 prayer would use this possibly causing major lagging so im not too sure bout this one




tele - this would be ok except for it being to lumby, and would you need the tele runes?




stamina rush - did you mean run instead of rune?




mega D-100% - this is a cool idea except for the drains really quickly part :D


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ok here is my idea


prayer lv 55-protect 2 items( protects 2 items from ur inventory if u die )


58-weightless(run like u weigh 0kgs)


tele- if ur prayer falls below 10 u get auto teled to lumbrige


61- stamina rush( ur rune dosentr go down whil this prayer is on)


64mega D-100% resistant from all attaks - drains very quick!








Nice.... it would be good to have some action in the higher levels of prayer.

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i agree with all but by no way this one:


64mega D-100% resistant from all attaks - drains very quick!


overpowered... way too overpowered.


the drain doesn't matter, you could kill ANY moster just with prayer pots at near any level with half decent attack.


wouldn't work, and the pkers would never rest saying "pray nubs!"...




if it WERE to be in game, i would say something like level 87 prayer, you have no idea how overpowered it would be, no matter the drain.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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prayer lv 55-protect 2 items( protects 2 items from ur inventory if u die )




Nice idea. Wouldn't mind something like this either.




58-weightless(run like u weigh 0kgs)




Interesting idea...




tele- if ur prayer falls below 10 u get auto teled to lumbrige




I don't care for this one, as it's the ring of life without a ring-spot being used. It's a tele with no method of tele needed, which doesn't work.




61- stamina rush( ur rune dosentr go down whil this prayer is on)




Again, I think the lvl 58 version is fine. Don't need this one.




64mega D-100% resistant from all attaks - drains very quick!




I don't like this at all. What I wouldn't mind seeing is a prayer like the following:




Lvl 65. Prayer = Influence of the Gods.


No Drain until activated, at which point it rips all of your prayer points from you. Can't be reused again in the same fight.


Effect: Does not drain prayer until the user is hit for damage whilst using prayer. Damage will always be completely ignored, but prayer will vanish to 0.





Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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protect 2 items - nice one. =)


58 weightless - would be okay. but it could render agility useless. who needs 99 agility when u hav 99 prayer and prayer pots? lolz




tele - bad idea bud. tele when ur prayer falls below 10? yea, like raichase said, ring of life. and what if you hav like full hp but 10 prayer? you get teled to lumby for nothing.




stamina rush - gd idea. but you gotta make it drain fast.




100% resistance - omg, jagex wont ever put tt. full dharok guys juz hav to drink prayer pots and own everyone in wildy man.

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