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I NEED HELP MAKING MONEY!!! + Log of my D Chain goal


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I am combat lvl 85, and I am saving up for a dragon chain (*drool*), and I need some tips. I currently have 5M and I need to earn near 22M. Here are my stats if you have any suggestions that involve certain skills.


















































*changed since last update




So please, if you have any suggestions on how I can earn 16M cash, submit them so I can achieve my runescape goal of getting a dragon chain. I will also update my progress every once in a while telling you how much money i have, and how much more I need.








[Runescape Name: Benisawesome]




Update 1:


(Bank saling some good stuff I don't want)


Start-> 4880k






Update 2:


(Sold cannon :( )


Start-> 6560k


Current-> 7160k




Update 3:


(Merchanting Yews: Buying World 1 260 ea, then selling forums 300 ea)


Start-> 7338k (Gained some money various ways, not merchanting)


Current-> 8269k




Update 4:


(Sold all of my good stuff)


Start-> 8269k






Update 5:


(Merchanting Yews: Buying World 1 260 ea, then selling forums 300 ea)


Start-> 15M


Current-> 17.3M




Update 6:


(Merchanting Yews: Buying World 1 260 ea, then selling forums 300 ea)


Start-> 17.3M


Current-> 19.97M (Almost there!!! :D )




Update 7:


(Merchanting Yews: Buying World 1 260 ea, then selling forums 300 ea)


Start-> 19.97M


Current-> 23M




Update 8:


(Still merchanting yews to earn back good stuff)


Start-> 23M


Current-> 26.5M




Update 9:


(Bought D chain!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :!: :D :!: :D )


Start-> 26.5M


Current-> 6M




Update 10:


(Bought Whip, and other good stuff (didn't buy everything back))


Start-> 6M


Current-> 1M




Update 11:


I finished! I have a d chain, and all my good stuff. Thank all of you who posted for supporting me. I really appreciate the time you took to help me out. And thank Runescape for making this a glorious day! Thank you tip it and all tip it users! I hope to have more posts like this, and I hope you all will one again support me. Thank you! :D

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If you go there good things will transpire.

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well your skills arent the great. and dragon chains arent worth buying, they dont really do i ton of defence.


--i would raise your rcing lvl to 44. then use the abyss to Rc nats. its easy money... I made 9.6m last week doing it, and i only have 64Rcing..

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dragon chains arent worth buying, they dont really do i ton of defence.


i would easily go for a d chain rather than all of the barrows sets put together (well perhaps not ALL the stats together...)


mainly because theyre rare, and kwler




anyways... to answer the question...




i suggest that you first buy a small rare, an easter egg or pumpkin perhaps, as these cost like 4m at the mo and will go up, possibly very quickly




then in my oppinion, the fastest way to make money is killing blue dragons in the ogre enclave for money - with range, you can make like 1k for every 1gp you spendt on arrows (if you use steel)


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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You don't even read posts do you? He says he needs 16 mil MORE. So please stop spamming the forums. I would recomend nat crafting. Very fast if you use abbys. Slow if you don't.

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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