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Offensive spells skull a player.


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Pick it apart as you wish. I would have you know that I do go into the wildy (right now it's just abyssal runecrafting) fully understanding I may be killed, but it might cause those pure mages PKing at the Zamorak Mage think twice because then they have something to lose.

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Runecrafters themselves get skulled after their first trip through the abyss. Is it possible that the attacking mages don't get skulled because they are attacking targets that have skulls?




I dont think so, because when I attack skulled people in wildy who attack me, I get skulled.




At least I think I did, I should go and double check.

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If a mage attacks you first , he gets skulled , regardless of your "skull status"

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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I had a good one yesterday, abyss crafting, someone managed to stick me with a dds on the way through. Crafted my nats and telied back to edge, banked my gear and waited for the poison to run it's course.




Eventually shuffled off the mortal coil and back to fally, geared up - telied back to edgeville and went out hunting.




Found the guy who'd stuck me and decided to let him have it with a series of ice rushes. Because he'd attacked me only a few minutes beforehand I didn't skull - even though I had since died and respawned.

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About the last comment. I was pking the other day and came across a guy that kept letting me try new techniques on him. Well nither of us died because we kept letting each other live. Well our skulls went away at edge while banking, but we decided to go have another go. It was a good 10 min after we had faught each other. Well, we go out, and I attack. Believe it or not, I get no skull.. 20 min later we fight again but this time he attacks.. again, no skull for him. I am not sure how this works, but I geuss the player that attacked you first has to log out before the thing gets reset.


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