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First pixel sig (not so bad I think) *Now my secound too!*


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I gotta figure how to fix the mouth, it looks silly.




For a first try I think this was pretty good.




I wasn't playing runescape when I made this so i put the wrong total lvl, I'm 1,068




Any tips for making my next pixel sigs better?




Here is the screenshot I used to make this:








NOT Traced :lol:

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NEVER, never mix pixel and screenshots, or it must look really good. :)




i love the jumping man, and the rock too, good work! :wink:




the sun needs improvement tho, it needs to be one line with no cracks in it, i meen the sunbeam.




its a very good first pixel :wink: :)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Well... The Character you did do looks pretty good, but unfortunitly it appears to have been traced from runescape, and im not taking a guess here, if you zoom in its very very clear...The overall look of the sig isnt that great, because of the cropped pic and so on


I agree..


But I wont take conclusion...


And Clean your lines.





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I didn't trace it but I was looking at a screendhot of my guy jumping while I did it.




Here's my new one:








The border was outlined in black becuase the forum I'm putting this is has a black backround.




I knida like my first one better tho.




I need to do something to thegrass but i cant figure out what.




I tired making it a bit better:








I changed the first one by adding a lens flare and correcting my stats.





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I really like it. if you are making your character go from one place to another wihtout leaving lines, you make th e area all around your character in the first picture white. then you dont have to be precise. then highlight and copy, then plast were you want it. it'' be completely cropped. Ill give you an example. one i can find it








here we go...








see hwo all my characters all are completely cropped?(exept for the two scenes witch i outlined so you cans ee it) it might be hard because i saved it on GIF.




And if oyu have some trouble, just outline your guy. it's an easy way to make an image stand out.

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As i told you in the pm, when you zoom in you can see that parts are pixeled exacly like runescape...Best example is the left boot
did you saved his image and looked over in paint to check if his boots were the same??? you did zoom you said... :roll:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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