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82-90 combat, how? Enough money for ... how?

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Well this are my combat stats:


Attack: 65


Strenght: 70


Defence: 60


Hitpoints: 69


Prayer: 49


Ranged: 70


Magic: 63




I want to get at least 90 combat with maybe the folowing skills:


Atack: 70


Strenght : 75


Defence: 75


Hitpoints: 75


Prayer: 50


Ranged: 70


Magic: 65




Are these good skills to get 90 combat? I want to be able to wear a whip and barrows armours, exept for ahrims.




I trained my strenght from 66 to 70 a few weeks ago on deadly red spiders and it was done pretty fast. Do I have to train there again for these skills? I am F2P and willing to spend food on training, but I heard red spiders don't need allot of food. While training my strenght I ate like 1 lob and 2 trouts.




Currently I don't have really much money. I got 11k feathers left in bank and 13k airs. I also got another 5.5k ess. If I can sell these for 10, 20 and 40 each this would be 590k. I also got another 100k cash in my bank and some rune stuff (not much, only battle, axe, plate, helm and leggs).




Without selling any rune stuff, because I need it for training I would come on 690k cash.




I want to get at least enough money for the folowing:


Full torag + hammers:2900k (I'm not sure about this)


Obby shield: 550k (I'm not sure about this)


Obby cape: 350k


Whip: 3000k




6.8 mill




What is the best way to get this money? I am F2P and willing to merchant. I have been merchanting deaths and full rune's. I think full rune's are hard to sell for 200k so I prefer something else.




I can only play 2 hours a day in the weekends. So for the whole weekend 4 hours. This is not allot because I have to work very hard for school. Maybe I will be able to play on friday's or more hours in the weekends in a few weeks.




Can someone please help me with this? How to merchant and with what? How much are they worth to buy and how much do I sell? Do I just have to stay in varrock or can I go to falador aswell? What world is the best for selling?




How long will it take me? That's one of the question's I really want an anwser on.




Thanks in advance,




~red walter~

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Strenght: 70


*It's spelt strength.. you misspelled it four times. :lol:




I am F2P


So how are you going to wear barrows, whip etc? Get members now! There are better monsters to train on, oh, and rune weps suck...


Get yourself a d scimy (or d long) and get down to ogres/experiments/rock crabs etc. Also, you could train slayer at the same time.




With regards to the money, merchanting is the quickest way - if you are good at it. I like to merchant yews (world 1, varrock west bank, buy 250-270ea sell 300ea on forums). Sometimes I runecraft nats - about 280-300k per hour using the abyss. You already have 5.5k ess.. and you sound like a runecrafter "I have 13k airs."

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Nightshade thank u for saying me how to spell strength :lol:




I am f2p at the time but I have been member for a long time. Because I can only play in the weekends I am not member anymore for te first 1-2 months. Hopefully my schoolwork will do better and I will be able to play more and become member again.




Thank u for ur help. And yes, I am a runecrafter, I got 44 runecrafting today.




Maybe u have any tips for me for f2p?




~red walter~

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  • 8 months later...

You could train on hobgoblins near the crafting guild or on flesh crawlers in the SOS. Both are pretty quick xp and don't require much food (but flesh crawlers will use more than hobs.)








Whips are only about 1.5-1.7M last time I checked, so you definitely won't need 3M.

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You could train on hobgoblins near the crafting guild or on flesh crawlers in the SOS. Both are pretty quick xp and don't require much food (but flesh crawlers will use more than hobs.)








Whips are only about 1.5-1.7M last time I checked, so you definitely won't need 3M.








Why did you bump an eight-month-old topic? :roll:



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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