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Solution to keylogging problem


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Every runescapers worst fear is logging in one day to find that they have been hacked. Hours of work gone just like that. This can be so crushing that it has even resulted in many well known and great players quiting the game.




Everyone knows that they shouldn't download dodgy links, or type their password into any site other then runescape.com, but people still manage to get hacked.




I propose a simple solution that I feel would cut down on the number of people who are keylogged and hacked: In the log in screen, you shouldn't have to type your username each time. You should be able to have it saved for your computer so you have a default username you play in, maybe a scroll bar down to other accounts, and a "I want to play on another account" option, where you would then type in your username the old fasion way.




You would still have to type in your password each time, but if you had a keylogger on your computer, it would be hard for the hacker to ever find out what your actual user name is. They could get your password, but not you account :wink:




This would also be useful for people who world hop a lot, to mine rune, buy raw materials from shops, or just meet up with friends.

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


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Actually this will make it even easier for hackers to grab your password. Because your pass/user is saved in your computer, all they need to do is check the file with your pass/user on it, and vola, instead account hack!

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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People like me who only have 1 account:




Hacker: "ok the pass *********************************** is for...


Account 1: Nick 6464


Account 2:


Account 3:


Account 4:


Account 5:


Account 6:


Hacker: uhhh, Nick.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Yep, as Prima Dog says, bad bad idea - login details for "quick or 1 click" logins are saved client side rather than server side, thus a "hacker" wouldn't even require a keylogger - simple spyware could be adjusted to pull out your pass from the Windows "secure" pass file, it would actually make it harder for your antivirus software to trap as the software wouldn't need to execute an actual program.




Best solution is up-to-date antivirus and regular use of antispyware software.




In addition, no one complained when the bank pin was introduced as it's additional account security. Also as it's mouse orientated rather than keyboard a "key logger" wouldn't be able to record it. A program written to monitor mouse click (quite often included in key loggers) would record the pixel that was hit, but that's why Jagex implemented a system whereby the numbers move around - pixel identification is irrelevant if that pixel can't be mapped to a data item (number) each time.

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