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New Gravedigger Random...


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Too common???




Well I have gotten it threee times in two days!




I have been down at dusties... not particulary bothered about burying bones, i try to but if i dont have inventory space then.. forget it!




But this is seriously gettin rediculous!!!




Yesterday I got Body and boots, banked and logged (needed to go work), today in my first trip down dusties... Got legs and gloves, (wow cool, now I only need the head for complete set) Finished off my trip then banked... This trip... got head!!! (not in a rude way) I got THE Head...






99 Slayer, I don't have it yet. But it'll come.

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AND... in the times it taken you 2 to reply... (and me to bank once more) I have just gotten the two emotes aswell, oh well from now on it is 500gp =[




But as some1 said in another thread it is a good excuse to bank (in the "mausoleum" and deposit all those lower levelled herbs (all the way down to guam) which I seem to be the highest leve player in the game to still keep as drops (im level 96 (close to 97)) and I still keep ALL herb drops... call it sad!




I still call it good exp!! (every little helps)






99 Slayer, I don't have it yet. But it'll come.

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