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I've found a thing that's sort of a glitch.


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Um... okay here it is... If you're a Member and you're NOT PAYING CREDIT CARD for subscription go to Castlewars and join a team the day before subscription runs out, but DON'T GO INTO A GAME, JUST LOG OUT ONCE YOU GET IN THE LITTLE CAVE PLACE BEFORE A GAME STARTS. Next day you log in and you're not a member. You'll be in lumbridge and you'll still have Saradomin/Zamorak hooded cape on :o (works until you take ANY armor off or put ANY armor on).

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Guest Nezikchened
I would send it in to jagex, i would think that if there was a way to wear member stuff wihtout being a member, that they wouldnt like that


Since the beginning of rs2 you could have member stuff on without being a member... I think they would have taken that thing away if they wouldn't like it...

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You know, this would be a good way to get free castlewars gear. Just do the glitch, then become a member again and BAM!! Free castlewars gear that you can actually take off.






No,no,no... tried that already.. look at first post...

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Dude, then when you rejoin members (assuming you do) you could have the hooded cape as 1 item, instead of buying the hood and cape seperately. thats actually so cool. I'd kill for that.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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You'd kill for the opportunity to have the hood and cape as 1 item? Maybe you should kill for some grammer lessons first.




Maybe you should get some grammar lessons as well before mocking others...

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I don't trhink the glitch is that useful.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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