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WIP, CC please.


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Okay.. Ive been fiddling around with this idea after I got a jingle in my head for the first time in forever, heres what Ive done so far [not much..]








Im having trouble shading, im trying to make past that line a tropical ocean, and in front of it sand. CC and advice please, or if a good pixel artist would like to take it up from here and finish it out for me I wouldnt complain as long as the finished work was given to me, so far I'm pretty miserable at pixels :(. Hey, Im good with stick figures though! :lol:

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Well, here is some constructive critisism.




1: I'm personally no fan of stick figures, give the man a body.




2: All the body part are not proportianate, work on that.




3: The palm tree could look.....more like a palm tree, just work at it a wee bit.




Thats all you need for now, once you fix that (if you do) i'll give ya some more tips.





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Well, here is some constructive critisism.




1: I'm personally no fan of stick figures, give the man a body.




2: All the body part are not proportianate, work on that.




3: The palm tree could look.....more like a palm tree, just work at it a wee bit.




Thats all you need for now, once you fix that (if you do) i'll give ya some more tips.








first you have to understand that this is his style (if its just him being lazy then... yeah go crazy with making him change it) help him perfecting HIS style and not everybody elses. what would make it look more appealing to you if it HAD to be a stick figure?




Bloodredsword... could you at least say "it sucks because you suck" or something? (and spell it right) that would mean you took time to actually do something.




your avatar is a great cartoony style like thing, use dots for eyes instead of lines, lines you should use on blobs and dots should be used on stick figures. makes them look... better to me. i love drawing stick figures :D



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Dont be so rude, he asked only for C/C... not rate... btw, you know whats a C/C? because it appears you dont really know....


Its ok you dont liking, but you culd just say: "I dont like it"...




Well, on topic: Funny one, I would suggest you to put a border ^.^





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At least some people gave me tips, thanks. I think I'm going to go look at my banana tree in catherby and see how it looks like..




Border: I think I have an idea for that.




about the eyes, i'll try the dot thing, and i do think the arms look a little messed up..




I would've done a body, but so far I am pretty bad at making a good pixel body, so Ive stuck with stick figures and try to keep my designs simple.

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