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Team for TyroGFX


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I have neraly finished making an awsome graphics website consisting of free downlaod like msn downloads wallpapers emotion etc..The website also has sum tutorials and reviews of games movies and so on and slo games video clips flash and soon a forum..




I am looking for a talented group of people to be abel to make digittal art from sketches to real works and makign enterfaces wallpapers and emotions and also display pictures and all of that ,but plese atleast have some skills in photoshop,cinema 4d,maya,and any other programs to do with htmlw eb developtment .




To contact me:


Email me at [email protected]


or add me on msn which i am ussaly on :[email protected]

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never really made emotes.




Bah, not hard...


Lookie: (Its not too good, but you get the point.)




I drew that, not copying but I could see what I was drawing.


It doesn't take alot. Its just a picture but scaled down alot. Although, just taking a picture and just putting the size down to like 30x30 px will not leave a good result. Needs to be drawn in at that size.

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hah I know... Oh bugger




I never see the creator online - what timezone's plya in?




i am in gtm i live in uk and if you live in us thats 5 hours diffrense




and thnx we have now about 3-6 team members and i alos starte don sum funny emotions and my msn is [email protected]




I live england in herts. I'm almost always on msn

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