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People With No Fun


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Me and my friend where at Varrock tossing a gromeball around, then this guy asks to pass and being the good guy I am pass. Then he passes it to us and then we pass to a other guy. Well we gain some people and we were having fun :D Acting like a football game :D




Then this idiot came tried to be 'cool' with us and said pass. So my friend did and when he got the ball he said "jacked" so he walked away. We were having fun (somehow lol) and this idiot takes our ball. We all reported him of scamming and hope he'll get banned :D




P.S If you know a good way to get more than 1 gromeball, please post it :)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Gnomeballs arn't too difficult to get, at least. Still, what a jerk.




All you have to do is drop a gnomeball, walk outside the field, and telegrab it. :D




I used to play in the RSCGL-RuneScape Classic Gnomeball Leauge. Brings back old memories...

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Getting the gromeball isn't hard for me, just the point of him stealing it :roll:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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You can't report him for role-playing! You were the preppy guys having some fun and he was the jock-bully who likes to undermine people.




It's practically straight from the script of something like Hang Time, Saved by the Bell or Sweet Valley High.









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*Unleashes the John Madden inside of me* Well, I hope he reported your friends for that horrible defensive coverage! I mean, look at them, they're all over the place. No wonder he made a clean getaway with your ball...

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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