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Friend list organization?


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immagine that the yellow smiley disappeared...now, where is my friend list?




there will be a buttom to change between normal chat box, and friends chat box, normal will be as it is, with choosing:




Public Private Trade/challenge


on on on


friends friends friends


hide off off






but when you press the switch buttom it should appear now the yellow smiley with options on top (below attack, inventory, prayer, etc. buttoms)




RS friends RL friends Clan friends Buyers/Sellers list


show all show all show all show all


hide school leader(s) Buyers


neighbours mates sellers


hide consuls hide










then on the lower right corner there will be a buttom "go back" and will show the inventory

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Yeah, I think this is a suggestion, and therefor needs to be in there. :)




ERM... also, im kinda confused :S Not very clear explanation..

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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Not a horrilbe suggestion. I would suggest that you put this where it goes though... like in the RS forums under the suggestion area ;)




I didn't quite get it all... but here's what I did get




A button that switches the chatbox to friends list... not a horrible idea.. but... personally I think the friends list is fine as it is.

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I think he wants it to be like a MSN buddy list. Like where you can make certain groups and put whoever in there. This would be an excellent addition to the game IMO.




EDIT: Stealth settings like they have on Yahoo messenger would be even better. Like having a group of people that you buy stuff from, but you don't really like talking to them, just put them all in one group, right click on the group and select 'Appear offline to this group' and *Voila!* no more stupid PMs!

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