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Something You Don't Notice


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"The contents of this message are strictly confidential and are intended only for the owner of the account to which it was sent. The contents of this message must not be disclosed to any other person or copies taken."




You may not know but this is at the bottem of every message in ur inbox. I see tons of pictures of the inbox messages and quotes of what they say. Post on how u interpret this and what you think of it.

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What they gonna do? Ban us?


...Don't quote me on that >.<




Ye...err no not a chance :P

Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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How are they even know we show others it, eh?


You see that fly buzzin around? That's not a ordinary fly, it's a Jagex fly!




Not funny I know :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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if its at the bottom of every message, it seems a bit redundant. because who honistly gets a message and then reads it from the bottom up?


i know jagex are just trying to cover themselves but theres a way around almost everything, so you could probably use that excuse to get out of it.



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it is a mystery what they might do...i just found it cause i was bored...tired and i just looked and noticed it. And lol in the automated messages they didn't use spell check...cause words are spelled wrong like "possile" instead of "possible"

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