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Im sick of it.....


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Im sick of all these stupid people that scam you and hack you.... I have been hacked TWICE... Scammed to many times i lost count, and now i have nothing because of these people... I need help :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x my name in runescape is cashmoney13..

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first off the only way to get your password scammed is


1. if they directly ask you it


2. if you go onto a cheat website and theres a keylogger in it




both ways can easily be avoided by reading the rules on runescape.com

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I laugh at you.


You must be pretty stupid to be scammed and tell your password in RuneScape. Don't go to other RS related website, exept for Tip.It and RuneHq. Only two I go.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Ok ok when i was scammed/hacked or whatever and someone else took me person that was like a couple years ago and yes it is my fault for not looking carefully at what Im doing, Im just sayin that I think the people who try to are stupid and need to play the game the right way. But yea it is my fault for not look at the things im trading

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