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Rate My Staker - Need Advice.


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A lot more then 1-2 weeks work, So please don't flame (Although most people on tip it find something to flame >.<)










Where I need advice, I'm pretty poor (Worth about 3.3M) so i can't really stake much due to not right equipment, I was seriously thinking of getting prayer so i could kq, go daggs and do barrowers for a bit of cash, Would 43 or 52 prayer really hurt my staking abilities that much? Or should i just keep 1 prayer and kill chaos druids forever trying to make just 3m more :\






Also please don't just view, Post, I don't bite.

IGN: HesFearless.



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Dude, thats not a staker, a staker has high str, and no def. You str is 57 *, and ur def and att r higher, *...




shows how much you know....




Stakers have high attack and def. while relativly low defense




so they hit often, but low, and can withstand hits from others with thier high defense




i wouldnot recommend gettin 34 prayer, because its not helpful


but overrall, good int he making, hope you make millions :D

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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Dude, thats not a staker, a staker has high str, and no def. You str is 57 *, and ur def and att r higher, *...




actually most stakers have higher att and def...this way or high str an no def works fine but the 1 def stakers are usally around lvl 40-60. At around 60 combat almost everone has def for barrows and att for whip.




Your staker is fairly good. I would say keep 1 pray if you like staking, but maybe get 80 att or def. Use veracs to stake, or any combination of armor that works for you.


Boring89-banned with 22 million fishing xp

tri__m1=new main

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Dude, thats not a staker, a staker has high str, and no def. You str is 57 *, and ur def and att r higher, *...




that's a pure you're thinking of idiot, and he's made a def staker, or verac staker... idk whatever you want to call it.. anyway, don't start flaming about something you know nothing at all about..




on topic: nice so far, i'd stay 1 prayer, like my staker atm ;) merchanting is one way to make some good $$.




sig by Misterxman


Un-Retired from RS X-mas 2009, 93/99 Fishing, 105 combat.

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I was good a merchanting, Made 1 mil in a hour once, But now, I have to spend 20 minutes trying to get into world 2 (and normally don't get in) I was thinking of getting 43 prayer to kill high level monsters (not 34).




Suppose better give merchanting another try, My goals were 80 attack and 60 strength next and 80 combat. Then if i got 80 defence i'd be 83-84 combat max, Would be pretty ownage, but is usless when all i can afford is a whip and rune armor.






I'm still undecided :\

IGN: HesFearless.



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Dude, thats not a staker, a staker has high str, and no def. You str is 57 *, and ur def and att r higher, *...


:roll: That's a str pure, idiot..






Good job so far, and yea, merchant and continue killing druids, stay 1 prayer.



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