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Ever Present and Alluring... <>Runescape the drug <


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Woohoo! I love tip.it and i thought i'd repost this from my still lasting thread from the runescape forums! This isnt one of my best poems, and i have several vastly improved versions on my computer, but i've chosen not to use them. Why? I love this poem because it was one of my earliest poems that sort of made sense :)




Note: Please refrain from commenting on the corn part...Its just an inside...Umm...Corny joke?








04 Apr 2005 03:09<<*psstt* this isnt the original post date. About a half a year before this.




Many days I lie in my bed,


Lieing in a heap,


I cannot weep,


But neither can I sleep




Why You ask?


Because something tugs on my mind,


Its actually a simple task,


yet my mind it winds,




For I feel I want to play runescape,


I feel I want to escape,




The land of fun,


Not the land of dumb.




I awake in the morn,


then I eat a cob of corn.




And I wait,


hardly restraining,


my will is waning,




I make a dash,


And I lash,


Upon my keyboard.




All my worries wash away,


My sadness,


My pain,


My hate,








I'm on runescape......Bliss...




You cannot miss that kind of bliss




<> Runescape...The Drug <>


















Please do not confuse my meaning of drug. I am not refering to those "bad" ones which cause many deaths and brain problems.




For the record, a drug is simply something that affects how you act physically and mentaly.








































*Connor562 has informed me that a drug is anything and everything that affects your mind and body *BESIDES* food.




My message to jagex is; Ty jagex, ty for the friends made. Ty jagex for the happiness, the sadness, and all the times that i've ever had on runescape...the land more anciently known as Geilenor.






TY =)






And a 'doublely special', :), thxs to Aryana Blade who inspired, supported, and has not only been a wonderful friend but introduced me to other great people too :)

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Hey! Is some mod ["Bad word" here. Not sure why i used it] with my post? Some words have been changed...!!!






Edit: Didnt intend to word it like that...Strange...I usually dont wear.






Edit: Or is it normal that a friend i named was automatically changed to "Lamebotuser" ?

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Whilst i now realize why i was in the foul mood...




I was totally offended at the notion someone would consider that friend a bot user...






anyhow, there isnt really an excuse...that would be anything less then an excuse..






I can only give my apologizes, sorry.

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well other than the censors and mishap I like it, rs is a drug, just not as addictive as wow (at one point some people at my school were trying to start a WOW Addicts Anoymous)

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Geez, wow addictes annonymous...WOw...








Lol, i couldnt resist the corny joke!!!!!!








Err, more importantly i'd like to clarify that my poem isnt supporting drugs...I'm saying its addictive because you cant let go lol. Or dont want to rather. I have so many friends in rs that are just great m8s, so i dont move on to a newer game =D

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i think most of us understand that but good thing you have the disclaimer for the single idiot who doesn't.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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