Mullein Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 There is another thread here titled "What's the point to being in a Clan?" that could of had the potential to become a good discussion but instead fizzled out before it started due to the "that's stupid" attitude. Instead let us attack this from a slightly different angle and post here what being in a clan means to you. Are you in it for the community? To pk with larger crowds? Friends invited you? Why do you stay with it or why did you just give the whole thing up? What do you like? or dislike? about clans...What inprovements would you make in the clan community if you could...Etc. Etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rasyad Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 to find new friends :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
he_is_an_avalanche Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 Well, I just joined a rune pure clan because of the community and friendship. I don't plan on PKing with them with the same style a large clan uses by using multi and such, but it is always nice to have a bigger group of people to scout and watch eachother fight others. Attack - 99/99Defense - 97/99 A quest to be the best Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SAGE Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 The Experience. Ever since I joined my first clan I have made so many trustworthy friends on Scape and it makes the game enjoyable to a whole new level, the community of my clan at the moment is excellent, active and friendly so it is pretty much perfect to me. Without clans this game would be 10 times less the fun and 10 times less competitive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mullein Posted April 24, 2006 Author Share Posted April 24, 2006 I joined RSD many moons ago looking for a tight knit community. Anyone familiar with the history of RSD knows it was here, then gone then here again and when it came back I rejoined...but the "flavor" is different now and I left many moons ago. It just isn't want I personally was looking for. Why I remian clanless??? The drama...It gets old fast. :roll: My desire to be in a clan is the same as my desire to play have fun. When it stops being fun it isn't worth the effort to me. Yes, I do host a forum for the elderly of RS but it is just a forum, not a clan...I don't know that I will ever try clan life again...Being solo suits me just fine... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crimsonking Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 I sorta got dragged into the clan world a couple years ago and I can't get out lol. The reason I stay in the clan I'm currently in is because of my RS wife, Rebelrbl, (Yes, I know, go ahead and make fun of me all you want) and the close friends I've made since I joined. ~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marqouth1 Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 Because of the communtiy of people, and because the pking owns o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mullein Posted April 24, 2006 Author Share Posted April 24, 2006 The reason I stay in the clan I'm currently in is because of my RS wife, Rebelrbl, (Yes, I know, go ahead and make fun of me all you want) and the close friends I've made since I joined. Nothing to laugh at...Close friends of mine met on R.S. and became bf and gf in the game.....and later they married in real life had thier first child about a year ago...Heck, I met my husband in another on-line forum and will be celebrating my 8th wedding anniversary in June. Weirder things have happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emp Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 Had history in my clan was council twice and now im an Elder though somewhat inactive I love my clan, and the people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lex Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 I like clans because I like to do thinks with other people. I like the fact that if I'm in trouble 3 or 4 pm's will get me a 20 people backup in like 5 minutes. I like clans cos of the wars and friendly events with or against other clans like cw or fight pits. I played RS most of my chars life solo then I was asked to join a small new clan to build it up and i joined. Unfortunatly it didnt work out and I left to be solo again but I missed the friends and events/pk's so I went to shop around for a steady clan with a family like atmosphere and I found it were I am, and it will be very unlikely I will leave this clan till I retire from RS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dravenstormn Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 I joined RSD many moons ago looking for a tight knit community. Anyone familiar with the history of RSD knows it was here, then gone then here again and when it came back I rejoined...but the "flavor" is different now and I left many moons ago. It just isn't want I personally was looking for. which is exactly why I started RSD those many moons ago. btw Hey Mullein! :D I got tired of the attitudes that grew with clans myself. Being the founder of a clan that has become as great as RSD did makes me proud to be known as the founder , BUT all the childish actions that came with it grew old. When I started RSD it was supposed to be a "family" type of envirnment. And it was for a while till clans became "the way to go". These days I remain clanless due to the fact I don't play as often as I used to and also the fact of the BS that comes with it. "so and so clan are noobs" "pwned". acts of a childish mentality over a game and pixels. I know it is "part" of the game but I think alot of people lost the fun aspect of it long ago. For example: I won't mention names on this one. Clan leader A spies on clan B's forums to get pk times and such. Where is the fun in the outcome of that? ok now you know clan B is going out with 30 people on a pk , so you mass a group of 60 to kill em all. 2:1 odds there gee wonder what will happen. pathetic. Started January 2001 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jammy316 Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 I have a big history with "THE" and there community is like a family. Good folks =). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
All_Bogs Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 Being in a clan allows me to enjoy RS more :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lethal_axe Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 Why I remian clanless??? The drama...It gets old fast. :roll: My desire to be in a clan is the same as my desire to play have fun. When it One of the reasons I'm in 'The.' It's very down to earth, very relaxed, very fun. I enjoy the allies in which 'The' has, which makes for more friends and a better experiance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kav Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 The only reason i joined BK was because the reqs for 'The' clan were too high, So i thought i would join Bk. until my levels were high enough for 'The' clan. And i thought that being in an alliance clan was the next best thing in the meantime. Obiously i had no clue about loyalty back then, i was pretty young too. But its been four years since that day, and i have never once looked back and regretted joinging Bk, Sometimes i am even thankfull that 'the' reqs were too high for me (no disrespect to 'the' intended, i still think you guys are a great clan, even though we arent in the alliance anymore) I have learnt so much from the clan, and shared some very good times with the people. That i cannot possibly even consider leaving it anymore . But after you have been in a clan a while, all your freinds move onto bigger and better things, and soon enough you are left with a large amount of people who you know nothing about. I hope i can get to know the new members in Bk when i have some more time in my life. BK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nick_7 Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 I only still play rs for my clan, and nothing else. The game would have become completely dull and uninteresting without the friends, community, and events that a clan provides. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mullein Posted April 25, 2006 Author Share Posted April 25, 2006 which is exactly why I started RSD those many moons ago. btw Hey Mullein! :D My goodness! Looooooong time no see! Glad to see your still around even if your not playing that often. I was just thinking about you the other day...Good thoughts!!! lol...I was showing someone a picture of when we went f2p pking together. Giggle-snort...Me there is something funny about that picture for sure...I always was better at dying than killing! Yeah...when you left RSD that took the last of the wind out of my sales and I left shortly after. Not to many people left there that I know to any degree though I still stop by now and then just to read the forums. Feel free to stop by my little boards and say howdy now and then...I am always glad to see you around. Mully Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crimsonking Posted April 25, 2006 Share Posted April 25, 2006 Nevermind, I'm starting to get off topic. ~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DDA Posted April 25, 2006 Share Posted April 25, 2006 Why I joined clans and why I remain in clans are probably two different answers. I first just clans just for the PKing and more importantly the wars. If your not in a clan then it is almost impossible to find yourself a good full scaled war. PKing, likewise although not limited to, is done in clans. More so with the birth of RS2 PKing with clans has become much more popular. Often times the only way to counter another clan PK is with another clan PK. So that is why I innitially joined clans. The reason why I remain in clans is because of the friends I have made in them and the community that has generated as a result of the clan. I think its very similiar to how some of us keep on returning to Tip It. We come back and back again to find out whats new, find others opinions, and talk to or even make friends. I think because of this, alot of older players continue to play Runescape where had there not have been clans they would have left long ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final_Cross Posted April 27, 2006 Share Posted April 27, 2006 'The' clan is my home. i agree with dr dead ant. :wink: when i was level 70 i joined a clan because i liked the idea of pking in a group (i was such a noob). i left that clan and some day i looked on forums and found a recuitment topic for 'The' and i couldent resist so i applied and sure enough i was accepted. i was level 90 but got to 100 pritty fast, ended p2p and got to 105 combat. during my time in 'The' i got a bunch of new friends went to a few wars, lots of pking trips and then my computer broke. The simple most important thing in a clan is community and 'The' has that in bucket loads. :P i was away but now im back because of the great leaders the great vibe and because as i said befor. 'The' is my home. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agil14 Posted April 27, 2006 Share Posted April 27, 2006 The reason why I'm in a clan is because of the community. Not enough clan's today can boast that they have a great community; which is something 'The' has. I originally joined 'The' Futures because I got tired of Pk'ing at Castle or Hill's and Runescape was getting boring to me. Since then, I've loved ever single moment of being in 'The'/TF, and it's the main reason why I still play Runescape to day - Being in a decent clan make's Runescape so much more enjoyable, I seriously would've quit a long time ago if it weren't for 'The', due to 'The' I got P-mod too. :P I owe a lot to 'The' and 'The' Futures, they're my family. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ForsakenMage Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 The reason why I've joined clans during my RuneScape career was because I wanted to be in a community. The general RuneScape community itself stunk, and I wanted to make new friends too. One of the very first clans I got to make such new friends was when I met Mystical25 (this was before she in BK) and met Blueonix, DarkSamurai (Some numbers here; he was the one that introduced me to Mystical), Mystical25 of course, and lots more. :) Later on in my KoS days I made even more friends and learned how to PK more effectively than I used to. (I had to leave so many times during the trips to wash the dinner dishes that people started to call me Jet Dry thanks to Sniper72 lmao.) After resigning from KoS, I went to 'The' and met even MORE awesome people. :D If it wasn't for clans, I would've left RuneScape long ago because the general community was just awful. Adventurer's Log || YouTube || Facebook || Times Work || Wanna Join the Editorial Panel?Maxed Out 01 October 2012 PDT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ausbumb Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 As Reaching Around the Lvl 80-90 Mark - I Came Around To Meet Such People as Da trixsta - Metal Rock - Lichipriest - In Those Days Where Known As " Trix's Team ". Who are All Current Ds Leaders, Have Always Been Based Around PKing Since i Was 40+. With Pking You Meet Individauls inwhich You Become involved With And Now im a Long Serving Members Of DS- Dark Slayers. With all That Im in a Clan Because Of the Freindship, Pking, Also Gives you Something to Train for - Making Your Character Stronger, Makes your Clan Stronger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mace_Brown Posted May 12, 2006 Share Posted May 12, 2006 post here what being in a clan means to you. Are you in it for the community? To pk with larger crowds? Friends invited you? Why do you stay with it or why did you just give the whole thing up? What do you like? or dislike? about clans...What inprovements would you make in the clan community if you could...Etc. Etc.Why I joined a clan: basically to learn what a clan is ... didn't know anything about clans at all back then. PKing was no reason (still don't like it much, and if I pk sometimes, I do it because I'm in a clan, but I am not in a clan to pk ;)). Why do I stay: was my first clan ever, and still is for over one year now. I don't like the "clan xyz for live!" slogans much, saw to many people saying it today and leaving tomorrow, but there's nothing any other clan can give me what I can't find or strive for in my clan too, so why should I leave? I stay mainly for the friends I made there, the - good - community we have and for the fun of being part of something growing. What I like? The spirit and drive of many members to establish something making the game more enjoyable. What I don't like? People forgetting we just play a game. The usual dramas. Guess no clan can really go without them. Anyways, on the other hand I like the mature way our leadership gets them solved usually. Improvements? A "clan list" additionally to the "friends list" would help heaps sometimes. Best regards, Mace Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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