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Firemaking Random Event


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Random Events detect autoers.


Now there are no such programs that auto fire make, and if there was, it wouldn't be a big thing. Fine they're autoing, but there are more serious bots to worry about, like those who cut a lot of yews and lower the prices.




Justifying your suggestion with, "Since there is no firemaking random event", displays exactly why you are wanting this: every other skill has randoms, Firemaking should be no exception.




Jagex don't make randoms for the fun of it.

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Don't think it would really do much, and by the way, x Mindless x, you must hang out on this forum. This forum only :P

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everything can nearly kill you, get over it. And its not that bad an idea. And Loge, autoing is autoing, regardless of whether they gain cash out of it or not, at the end of the day its breaking the rules. There are lots of people who are going for level 99 firemaking and they would be very annoyed about people just autoing their way to it. so its not that stupid an idea. Although i dunno about it hitting 30 or something. Maybe you could break your tinderbox or something similar to losing the head off your pickaxe or axe. Or maybe you could have accidently summoned a fire god and have to so a simple task to show your not autoing.

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everything can nearly kill you, get over it. And its not that bad an idea. And Loge, autoing is autoing, regardless of whether they gain cash out of it or not, at the end of the day its breaking the rules. There are lots of people who are going for level 99 firemaking and they would be very annoyed about people just autoing their way to it. so its not that stupid an idea. Although i dunno about it hitting 30 or something. Maybe you could break your tinderbox or something similar to losing the head off your pickaxe or axe. Or maybe you could have accidently summoned a fire god and have to so a simple task to show your not autoing.




All you are suggesting is going to push people further away from FM. Correct me if I'm wrong, but FM is the most untouched skill in the game. Not many people decide to get it up. For those who do, more power to them. If not many people use the skill now, what makes you think that people will when it can damage you? I doubt that autoers train FM. They mainly go for skills that can make their main account some needed gp. This firemaking random event would do nothing for the RS population. Wouldn't deter autoers, wouldn't bring people into the skill. If this was an update, it would get flamed so much that people would want it removed, or they would just ignore the skill. By the way, how can you break a tinderbox. An axe I can understand, but a tinderbox?




Nuff said,



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Firemaking is already painful enough you don't need to go around making it fatal.




If there was a random, I would expect it to be something harmless at first but the if it was ignored, to be aggresive. Or something like CL_Gnatt suggested with the fire god, sort of like evil bob, Leo, Quizmaster. One of those randoms that you actually have to be able to do something not just run away or talk to them.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but FM is the most untouched skill in the game. Not many people decide to get it up.


I want to get it up :D Almost to where i can burn yews, which is all i would do with them, it just provides a distraction when i raise my wood cutting, i cut a load and burn it

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