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i was wondering wat is the best way for me to get to 43 prayer?i thought killing baby blue drags in taverly dungeon is a gd idea.i cant kill blue drags cus im only 69 combat but i can kill baby blue drags!!is there any other method other than the quests?oh and im sick and tired of nat running im getting my atk to 70 so i can wield a whip i just need a quick tip on getting 1 mill cus ill get the rest with nat running oh and pc on uncooked lobs cus i heard that the changed from 300 ea to something else?




oh and any tips on how to get a medium and large pouch from abyss cus i went there and tried to kill the monsters there but theres so many they killed me lol!! and i lost my d long and glory ammy:(




oh and thank u very much for the help!!




[mod edit: don't make titles in caps, it's annoying]

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In fact I just just got 43 prayer in f2p world just buy buying the big bones. Other than that I can't be really nay help cause I'm not a memebr right now. Lobs are still the same though.


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You have some agility experience, so I will assume you are a member.








Look through the tip.it database of quests and check the rewards. The Rag and Bone Man quest gives you 7000 prayer exp, for example. Holy Grail gives quite a bit. I think Shilo gives some as well, although maybe not.




I know that the Ghost's Ahoy Quest and other similar Phantasmyical quests are excellent. Priest in Peril, perhaps?




I also train prayer indirectly; I train ranging on mossies, or melee on Ogres or something with good bone drops. Your EXP adds up quickly.




Also, bury EVERY bone, because you can always get a zombie random that leaves you with a few dragon bones and hundreds and hundreds of prayer exp.

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In addition to the other quests he named "One small favor" could get you a lot of prayer exp if you used both lamps on it.

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i reccomend buying dragon bones fgor ecto or buryin normals from chickens

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And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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