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Choose What You Loose?: A dying idea.


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What if when you die, you could pick what you get and what you don't. I know that they have "the three most expensive items" but if somone went in the wildly with a p-hat, when maby they could chose that over their ruen or something? I wanna take my mask into the wild because it scares people..but I wuold most deffitly lose it =D Maby its not fair to the person killing the person...

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in fact I like there's only 1 really HUGE problem with this:




The time!




when you die your attacker sees your stuff immidiately. However if you still be able to choose he can't see the stuff and needs to wait for at least 30 sec-1minut.. That's a very long time if you're pking!

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, exhale, then click the nice red X at the top right corner of your screen...


Stop posting new ideas every few seconds. If you're so full of ideas, put them all in one big topic labelled "Ideas for RS" with well thought out explanations of each, instead of one or two sentences on how awesome your idea is. In addition, please use the search function, if not to bump old topics, to see how quickly some topics related to yours have fallen thanks to criticism, and try to address those criticisms in your post.


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Did you think of this all by your self? Or did you read one of the other BAGILLION posts on this?


It's not going to happen, If you're not prepared to lose something, DO NOT take it into the wildy.




Party hats, And Halloween masks, And any other holiday item, Are worth nothing in the game, Only in the community.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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