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Anyone here play Starcraft?




If so, what's your favourite races?




And if you play online, what's your favourite game?






For me, my favourite race is Protoss. And my favourite online game is either Dawn Of The Dead, or those Lord Of The Rings games.


It really has

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Usually Terran. :wink:






Ive never really played online much...




I always get rushed anyway. :oops:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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A couple years ago, I'd go random. Now, I guess it'd have to be Protoss, seeing how microing (on a more nub scale) isn't as dificult as Terran or Zerg. I haven't been on in awhile but it seems like pretty much all regular public games are either on moneymaps or with people who hack. So for the most part, Team Micro Arena games are my preferred games to play in (none of that TMA wired stuff ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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I keep putting off buying that game..For the last like 7 years...I really need it, if for no other reason than to say I have it.




On a related note: You know Blizzard is an amazing company where there are 2 WoW threads, 1 Diablo thread and 1 Starcraft thread on the front page of Off-Topic.

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Terran. Nobody can defeat my Plateau of Death. My whole strategy revolves around outlasting my oponents by playing defensively, then nuking them.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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2 minute zergling rush for the win :twisted: :twisted:




And my favorite map is definately big game hunters. Although it's large size is not too good for my zerg rushes, the one choke point bases and loads of easily accessible resources is very nice, because most of the time a rush won't work against an experienced player anyway.

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I prefer Terran. I usually take a team of 12 siege tanks, a team of 8 marines and 4 firebats, a team of 8 wraiths and 4 battlecruisers and a team of 6 vulcans and 6 goliaths.

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Used to - never all that much, though. I used to prefer Protoss, I think, because each unit felt much more significant than they did for the other sides (by which I mean each individual... what were they called, the soldier ones? Zealots. Yeah -- even when evenly matched against a big army of zerglings, I always found the protoss ones more satisfying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bump this, but it didn't seem to old and I didn't want to make a new one :P I love the Zerg, they are all I ever use. Just storm with Hydralisks and a few Ultralisks, pure ownage. :) If anybody ever wants to play a match with me, just pm me over the forums, we can set up a time and stuff. :D

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I love zergs, they are probably the only race I play seriously, 30 hydralisks at one go is no joke :wink:

the guy who has the bug is the antichrist! the devil players runescape, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :twisted: :twisted:

he will kill us all!


MMORPG: Many Males Online Role Playing Girls.
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