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Beware of Lures!(long read


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I know many people know about this but not everybody does. i am going to post a private pm of someone who tried to lure me. Luring is usually done when you are in edgeville bank and you are wearing something valuable. Then someone pms you about either they will pay you if you kill them usually to "make a video" or they will offer you something for a very cheap price as will be shown below.


(At the time i was wearing whip, granite shield,rune legs, rune plate, glory ammy, and rune boots)




x(lurer):wanna buy d legs 2.5 mil or whip 2 mil?


me:who r u?


x:i saw u at castle wars


me(suspisious since i havent played cw for at least 2 months):when?


x:idk i forgot


me:watever um ok ill take legs


x:where r u?


me:edgeville bank


x:can u meet me at the prayer place with monks west side of rune plate?


me:no meet at bank


x: ok its gunna b like 20 min tho


me:take ur time


x:ah i just forgot weekend homework i gotta leave in 1 minute


me:thats ok


x:if u come right now ill trade


me:come to bank if u really want to sell


x:later loser(logs)




the reason why he told me to meet him at monastry(prayer place) was because i have to go through 2-4 leves of wildy to get there and with his lvl 83 mage he could've iced me and take all my whip, 2.5 mil and the rest of the things i had on me.


notice how he lowered the price of the d legs and whip by 1 mil this is how lurers usually get someones attention. this post was made to alert everyone of this scam and yes it is a scam it is shown in the knowledge base under rule 2. i hope this will help people be aware of this widely used scam.






[mod edit - no naming names please - Phil]

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Another lure, is in the Range Guild you have something (no range armor) and this person says he'll buy for a large sum of money. Then he goes up to the tower and is in the west side, the toughtest archer NPCs. Then they (NPC) kill you and he gets .


Happened today, but I didn't get too hurt.




Your's is a obious lure.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Nick_6464 and unlucky I am not posting this because it is new i am posting just to let those people who dont know about this recognize this scam and be aware of it.

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You're not allowed to post someone else's RSN.




Yah. I've been lured to Oziachs and lost 8250k before. I had just returned from a 2-3 year break and had merchanted over 8mil, then lost it by luring. Lures i know of are...






Black Mage Fortress


Ranging Guild


East of Edge cutting or fletching



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I've seen something like this myself. Now whether he intended to scam me or honestly wanted to die, who's to say? Personally, I leaned towards scam and didn't go along with it.




He showed up in the bank and made some observation about what I was wearing. My guess is he saw my rather crudely build gold amulet and assumed it actually did something other than sparkle. He started making a big to do about "Please kill me in the wildy." I said no, he insisted that he had nothing on him (I know you can put your armor in your bag so not falling for that one). He wanted to show me some high lvl sword I couldn't use anyway that he'd give me. I had to tell him to bug off several times but eventually he left.




I've been killed by a lure in the wildy before. I make it a policy not to get near it.

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In those situations you either pretend to be interested and quickly call some friends or to really annoy them you go under through Barb Village to the altar. How can people be so stupid to forget that way there in times like these.


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