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Agility help, kthx.


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Right, so I've got a current agility level of 43, and I'm trying to get it up to 50. I've been training at the Barbarian course, but it's painfully slow and I dislike it.. I know there's the Agility Arena but I find I fail too many of the obstacles so my lobsters get used up fairly quickly.. I've got a good budget, so I'm wondering, what should I do to get my agility to level 50 quickly?

Poster of a girl;;

'Je sais que tu n'aimes pas ta r̮̩̉̉alit̮̩̉̉..'

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You can try the Agility Pyramid in the desert. I think it's a lot more fun than Barbarian's and more reliable than the Arena. Just make sure to bring waterskins.

228/228 Qp

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Okay, thanks but um.. I've always been confused about the whole waterskins thing. Like, what are they? How do you make them? What are they there for, how long do they last? And how can you tell when you need to use another one? ^^; lots of questions, i know.

Poster of a girl;;

'Je sais que tu n'aimes pas ta r̮̩̉̉alit̮̩̉̉..'

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Okay, thanks but um.. I've always been confused about the whole waterskins thing. Like, what are they? How do you make them? What are they there for, how long do they last? And how can you tell when you need to use another one? ^^; lots of questions, i know.




Waterskins are basically a portable water source, they're brownish in color, you cannot make them, but you can buy them from Shantay Pass (make sure you buy Waterskin (4)! and not (0)! ) they're used so you don't die of thirst in the desert, hence the name water-skin. On average one full waterskin can last two to five minutes, your character will automatically drink when he needs to.

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Thank you! ^^ Okay well I looked at the world map, and it appears that the Agility Pyramid is a loooong way away, so.. I guess I'll stick to the Barbarian one. -sighhh-

Poster of a girl;;

'Je sais que tu n'aimes pas ta r̮̩̉̉alit̮̩̉̉..'

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Thanks for the help, everyone! But instead I went to the arena for hourrrrrrs and got up to 50 using tickets ^^... but thanks for the help : D

Poster of a girl;;

'Je sais que tu n'aimes pas ta r̮̩̉̉alit̮̩̉̉..'

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From 35 to 56 i used the Brimhaven place without too much trouble. If you use cakes i'm sure you'll be okay, keep your hp below 20 and the obstacles will do less damage.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Go to the agility arena in Kramja. If you keep your health BELOW 20, the obsticles will only hit 2's on you and try to avoid darts....those are annoying.

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Try to not to waste money on lobsters at that arena. Steal Cakes from Ardougne instead.

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