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The Great Tip PIC 2006 -- Get ready for 2007 edition


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From the messages I recieved and the people I know who sent them. Id like Uular to do the next one. Ive sent a message to confirm, and when he replies I hope he can get a post started.




Sorry i take so long to reply >.< Im a pain like that.




So as far as I am aware, the next one should start soon. GET YOUR COSTUMES READY




So, I assume I can just start now? Thanks a lot for giving me the job, I'll do my very best to fulfill it.

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iunno if ur askin for pics, didnt quite get that but im f2p so nothing special




lol u guys notice how much the blue mage outfits stood out? liek even the person with just the mage skirt~~oo and ltota phats, only about like 4 blue ones tho, btu still, woow, sum1 shud be wearing a cracker :XD:



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