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Game Maker to Put Product on Big Screen


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Wow, thats really cool... I hope the movie ends up being good though :P


I hope so too :P




They'll do well not to make it a LOTR clone.


If they make it LOTR they wont get much... its supidity to make a LOTR clone.





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I know, that's what I mean. But when you look at the concept, fantasy, orcs, dwarfs, sieges...it doesn't leave that much to play with.


Unless they use theoriginal Warcraft story, which was always very strong.




They'll have no choice but to script out the originial Warcraft story. I'm sure players and movie critics who have read that article are thinking LOTR. And LOTR was a fantasy war-like movie, I wonder what WoW will bring to the table and I hope it's original.

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I know, that's what I mean. But when you look at the concept, fantasy, orcs, dwarfs, sieges...it doesn't leave that much to play with.


Unless they use the original Warcraft story, which was always very strong.




They'll have no choice but to script out the originial Warcraft story. I'm sure players and movie critics who have read that article are thinking LOTR. And LOTR was a fantasy war-like movie, I wonder what WoW will bring to the table and I hope it's original.


I agree, if they really want something original, they will have to use the original Warcraft history. But i'm sure they arent dumb, and they'll make something really great with WoW.




Yeah, as Bubsa said there not much to play with, its everything used... I wonder what will they use.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think they are using the direct storyline from any of the Warcraft movies or World of Warcraft. They are just using one based in that universe. Oh yeah, and one of the designers claims they are veering away from LOTR, and trying to make it more like Braveheart.

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Braveheart? Eurgh, that's a turn off. >.<




Between Braveheart and LOTR, I'd rather prefer they going by LOTR than Braveheart...


I know if they do it in LOTR style, it wont be good, but I'm sure it would be better than going by Braveheart.


I cant imagine Warcraft in Braveheart's kind-style.





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