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Buying space sig!!!!!!!


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I have been wanting a really good space sig for a while so i figured id go ahead and buy one now...also not many ppl use space sigs nemore so i will be paying prolly 50k for one.....if i see it and its really good ill pay more....








text: gohansi dark




type: space sig








thats about it
























EDIT: here is a list of all the ppl who are doin sigs for me




ub3r-20k-hasnt replied




KngKyle-40k-awaiting transaction




lemda11-40k-awaiting transaction




grandma_twinki-20k-awaiting reply

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hmmmm i lik both very much soooooo.......








uber i will buy urs for 20k just becuz its less complex and doesnt have as much things in it......








col avanor...how does 60k sound for that one......i like it and i will buy it but cud u do sumthing original for me?

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kngkyle.....i like ur sig and since its on the simpler side how bout 25k for it?








tevo ill pay u as soon as i see you on








btw my rs name is gohansi dark if u havent figured it out already :wink:

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yes im talking about yours,....its looking really good..if it was be that bought it i ahve been paying ATLEAST 50-100k...








haha 50-100k is overpriced for a sig of that simplicity.....yes i do like it but im payin for wat its worth not for how much i like it...

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kng....meh ur right i changed the price that id buy his to 20k just cuz its a lil better than the other thats 15k...ill also up my price on ur sig to 40k....hope thats better








lemad...i think that idea is pretty kool and i like the animations....i think it compares good with kng's so ill give 40k for it also?

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