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How to stop pjing as i call it "pjism"


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ok what if they made a new thing like "you cannot attack that person until 10sec after they have fought therefore they can recover or pick up goods or if in between a fight it just wudnt happen..surprised they havent done this before

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I dont PK a lot, but it'll help for mages and rangers to get their loot. Say you range this guy, and when you're going to get his stuff, BAM, iced by a Ancient Magik guy and killed.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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As a non-Pker but frequent Wilderness miner, I would love this; it would make my NPC shields that much more effective.


However, the main argument I can see against this is, it is the Wilderness. The risk should balance the rewards; if it's too easy to get the good stuff, then ultimately, the game as a whole is hurt, though I do agree that pjers are a deadly nusiance, I'm just not sure if there's anything we can do about them besides bringing our own friends/hired help to protect us.


hmm, come to think of it, hiring mercenary NPCs would be a neat addition to the Wild.






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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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