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Runescape under attack Parts 1,2,3, 4, 5 ,6!


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The Prologue






Something was wrong in Runescape. Something was very wrong. In all the overlooked places in this large world, they were there, yet no one had bothered to looked for them. In the large cities and towns with kings and palaces, they were there. But no one had ever found them, or even tried to find them. So now everyone would pay for their mistakes.








Chapter One








Luther,led a very boring and uneventful life. He had never really ventured out of the huge castle he lived in. He was the thirteen year old pince of Asgarnia, so why would he have to?Everyone had always told him he would do great things when he became king, but he didn't really want to. He just wanted to stay in his castle and look out on to his kingdom, then maybe take a nap or two. But Luther never realised that he was to become on of the greatest heroes Runescape had ever seen.






His whole life would change because of one simple mistake. A mistake so very simple, that no one even realised it was a mistake. one of the palace guards, which were the finest guards in all of Falador, had left the small gate open at the side of the castle. The road through this gate lead to the mountains.






One day, Luther was walking to his tutor's room, when he looked out the window and saw that the gate was open. He just overlooked the fact and kept walking. Half an hour later, he was sitting in his class, when he looked out the window again and was stunned by what he saw.




"Mr. Barlow!" that was his teacher's name. "Look!"


A gigantic wolf was in the courtyard, mauling one of the guards.




"Oh my dear!!" exclaimed Mr.Barlow.




Just then Luther remembered th open gate. the wolf must of gotten in that way. He looked once again out the window, and saw that more guards had circled the beast. the wolf jumped over them and bounded through the gate. All of a sudden it was gone.








End of Chapter One










Chapter Two






"How could this happen!" yelled Lord James. He was king over Asgania, and Luther's father. "How did a wolf, no, a BEAST get into the palace!" James was ferociously mad.


"I do not know, sir, but I do believe it was one of the guards' miskates, sir." This was Arman, chief of guards. "Sir," Arman said," I do believe that this wolf has been known to attack small villages and kill animals, sometimes even people."


At that moment, Luther walked into the room. "Father!", he said, "what are we do do about this wolf!"


"Son, I don't know," replied James.


Excuse me, sir, but I do believe that we could get a hunting party together and go after the beast," said Arman.


"That is a grand idea!" exclaimed James."Luther, collect your things, we are going hunting."








The next day, Luther rose very early. He had a small breakfast, got dressed, and was ready to go. He got his horse, and found the hunting party. It was comprised of Lord James, Arman, two of Arman's best guards, and eight nobles. One noble's name was Crassus. luther liked Crassus. Once everyone was ready, they were off.






To find this wolf, they would have to travel north of Varrock, into this dark, dangerous, uncharted land that no one had ever reallt gone into. Many people called it the wilderness. The party traveled through a pass over the mountains and into the wilderness. The father they got, the more and more Luther noticed that everything was dead. He didn't see one animal, let alone a wolf. Luther was rather scared. He rode his horse up ahead to where Crassus was. "Crassus," he said. "What?"asked Crassus.


"Why is this place like this?"


"No one knows, Luther."


"But,.....why is it so dead?"


"I do not know, though some say it has always been like this."




"Yes. Ever since Runescape was created. Back then, people say there were many knights that did all sorts of quests and had very odd names."


"Wow. That sounds wonderful."




When night fell, thay made a camp. They put up tents and had people put on watch all around. Luther had a small meal of fish and potatoes. He went to sleep to the sounds of a fire outside and and an odd sound. Sounded like wind going through the trees.




Luther woke. He climbed out of his tent. Around camp, there were men busily working with their hunting equipment. He got his bow and arrow, and his sword and knife. He decided to go look around the general area of the camp. He strayed into the woods.




The farther he went, the more dense the woods got to be. He came to a small clearing in the woods where there was a stream. He looked into the water. It was brown, almost black. "Disgusting." he said. he looked farther down the stream. There was the wolf, drinking from the stream! Luther froze, half with fright, half with the fact he was surpised he found the wolf. he finally was able to gather himself, and went to hide behind a bush. He drew out his bow. He had to admit, he was a good bowman. He aimed, and fired. The arrow missed by less than an inch and bounced off a tree. The wolf bolted. Luther ran after it. He saw it go around a large rock pile. He sprinted around the pile, and saw the wolf disapear into a cave. He was just about to follow it in when he heard a snarl. It was followed by a roar, so loud, he was certain the people back at camp could hear it. He then heard a whimper and a screech. Luther hid behind a rock. He heard a commotion, and then the wolf's skull rolled out of the cave.


Luther yelled, and ran as fast as he could back in the direction of the camp.






End of Chapter Two








Chapter Three






Luther was tearing through the forest at top speed. He could hear something behind him."Oh.... Oh why did I come on this trip!" he thought. He heard roars like the one he heard before in the distance. "Ok," he though to himself, " once I get back to camp, I'll be okay." When he finally found the camp he was horrified by what was there. Or wasn't there, for everyone had left. Now Luther thought he was done for. He was being chased by a monster he had not yet seen. And there was no one to help him. He yelled for someone. Anyone. "HELP!" The tree behind him snapped. He whirled around, and screamed. There rising out above the trees was a worm. A giant 100 yard long worm. With rows and rows of teeth. Razor sharp teeth. Luther bolted away from it. The worm started after him. It was fast. Very fast. Luther darted this way and that trying to get away. Suddenly, he fell into a hole. He hit the bottom and crawled up against the wall. That was when he realized what was in the hole. These pod things that Luther concluded were little not-born-yet worms. He gagged at the sight. His heart was racing. It seemed there was no way out of the hole. The worm's head, or what looked like the head, came up to the edge of the hole. This was when Luther saw that it had no eyes. It seemed to be smelling for him. The worm got so close that Luther could see the saliva dripping from its mouth and feel its breath. He soundlessly crawled away. He put his hand up, and it hit a tree root coming out of the side of the pit. He had an idea he put his foot on the root as the worm came closer. He jumped up on to the root. The worm was close now. He concentrated on a part of the worm, and jumped. He landed on the worm. It roared and reared up and out of the pit. Luther jumped off and landed with a thud on the ground. He immediatly got up and started running away. He looked back and saw that the worm had become intrested in its larvae. He looked back foward, just in time to ram into a person. His father. "Father!" he whispered. "Son! Get over here!" James pulled him behind a rock. "You have one of those things following you too son?" asked King James. "Wait," said Luther, "There's more?"


"Of course! What did you think!"


"I thought that was the only one!"


"No no no, there's lots. Maybe 20."


"Oh no," said Luther. At that moment, Luther realized his chances of living out the night were very slim.




His night was spent heading toward the camp. When they got there, they found the half eaten carcasses of their horses. "Well that doesn't help,"said Luther. He and his father gathered up whatever food they had and headed the way they came, back towards civilization. They found their way back to the pass through which they came. There they stopped, for it was too dark to go on. Luther drifted to sleep.






End of Chapter Three










Chapter Four








A sudden crash woke him. He looked around, and saw that there had been a rock slide down the side of the canyon. Rocks were piled up in a ditch. A thick fog had rolled in. Luther walked to the ditch and peered in. There was something under the rocks! He started scrambling to take out rocks. His father woke. "Luther! What are you doing?"


"There's something under the rocks!" replied Luther.


Just as he said that, he had removed a rock and found a person. It was Crassus!


"Father! It's Crassus!" yelled Luther


"Shut up!" whispered King James. "They might hear you."




Crassus was unconcious when they found him. Luther pulled him out of the ditch. they layed him on the ground and waited.




After two hours Crassus finally woke up.


"Wa... whe.... uh..." he mumbled. "Where am I?"


Luther gave him water. "You're here, with us. Safe."


"Who is 'us'?" Crassus asked. He could not see in the darkness and fog.


"Luther and the King."


"Oh, oh.... I thought I was dead!"


"Oh no." said James. "You're fine. Except for the fact there are MONSTERS TRYING TO EAT US!"


"Father!" said Luther. "Keep the voice down!"


Just as he said that they heard some rocks sliding down the side of the canyon. "Wha... what was that?" stammered James. Then there was a roar. "Run!"


They darted down the canyon at full speed. The monster was following. They couldn't see it. It was too far behind. "Uh... guys!" yelled Crassus. "We have another problem!" Down the sides of the canyon came dragons, probably six dragons. Luther suddenly tripped, and fell right on his face. The dragons were all around him. Then, out of no where came the worm. It went right for Crassus and James. They dodged the blow. Suddenly the worm stopped and turned on the dragons. It shot out at one, catching it right in the ribs. It picked it up and threw it. It landed on one of the other dragons, crushing it. The worm picked up another and swallowed it. Luther crawled away and went to the others, and they ran down the canyon. Luther looked back and saw three more worms join the other in the massacre."Boy," thought Luther ,"this could be a problem."








End of Chapter Four








Chapter Five






After two long days of travling, Luther was barely concious. They went from the mountains to Varrock. From Varrock they traveled back to Falador. As soon as they were back, the king made plans to build outposts and watch towers along the mountains. Many of the City Guard were sent to these new installments.




Luther sat in his bed, thinking. He was horrified by the fact that twenty-five men had gone in there and only three escaped. Remembering the sight of the worms devouring the dragons made him sick.




King James had taken to sitting in his throne, pondering the situation. This was perhaps the first threat his kingdom had seen. He had no answer. He thought that maybe the monsters would stay in their habitat.




Crassus had gone straight to his own home and told his wife what had happened. He was disturbed by the thought of what those things could do if they reached the cities.




One morning when the sky was a strange red color, Luther woke and didn't have any breakfast. He sat and looked out the window, trying to get bad thoughts out of his head. He decided to go talk to his father. As soon as he got to the throne room, the main doors burst open. Flying in came a soldier, his face running with blood. He stumbled to the ground, yelling. "What is wrong sir?" asked the king.


"My... Oh the pain! My outpost sir!"


"What about it?"


"I- It was attacked! By these THINGS! They were everywhere! I was the only surviver because I was a coward! I RAN! I ran away!" He was crying.


"We tried to fight them!"


The king spoke. "How many were there?"


"Probably twenty... OH GA! I need a doctor! Ow!"


"Yes yes! I will get one!"


"Wait..." stammered the soldier. "We saw... we saw more..."


"Where?"asked the king.


"They were headed south......" Then he collapsed.


"South..." said Luther to himself."That means they're headed to the cities!"






Within two days King James had an army of five thousand ready to march. "Father," asked Luther. "Am I coming?"


"No! You can't come! You would be killed within seconds! this is a dangerous enemy. I even doubt my own return."


"But... but, I have to come! I won't just sit here!"


"You have to. What if I die, then who will be king? You. If you die then who will be king?" Just as he said that the army started riding out the gate. Luther watched James ride out the gate. He didn't want his father to die. But if he died, he wanted to say last words to him. Luther ran back to his room. He sat there for hours, crying. Then, all of a sudden he stopped and smiled to himself. He had a plan.






End of Chapter Five








Chapter Six






Luther ran out to the stables and found a horse. He went back in a found his armor. It wasn't much, but it would be enough. He put it on, then went back out to the stables. He set up his horse and climbed on. He rode up to the gates. "When I find Father, he will be happy I came," he thought to himself. The guard at the gate was curious. "Where are you going Luther?"


"I'm going out to hunt rabbits. They have become particularly invading."


"Then why do you have your armor?"


"Uh..." Luther hadn't expected this. "You never know what those rabbits could do." The guard didn't buy it. "No. Go back."




Luther sat in his room for the rest of the day. He figured he wouldn't be able to take his horse. At about ten o' clock at night, Luther opened his window and climbed out. His room was on the first floor. He snuck through the bushes toward the gate. There was no guard. Luther had timed his escape with the time when the gaurd went to tell the other guard it was his watch. Luther climbed over the gate and ran intothe darkness. He had his armor and his sword. His first stop, he thought, would be the Wizard's Tower.




He arrived at the tower early the next day. He pounded on the door. The door opened right away, but there was no one there. He walked in and climbed the stairs. At the top he found who he thoght was the head wizard. "Yes?" the old man inquired. "Ah..." Luther did not know how to begin this. "Well.... Sir, what would you say if i told you that there was an army of man-eating worms coming to kill us?" The man looked at him suspiciously. "Excuse me? An army of worms?"




"Well... I would have to say that we should step on them before they could eats us!" he chuckled. "No no!" said Luther. "They are huge worms, bigger than twenty men!"


"Well then! Maybe we should kill them."


"But we can't!" They are very powerful. One of them ate two dragons."


"What do you want me to do about it?"


"My father has sent an army to attack these worms, but I want you to join as reinforcements!"


"Reinforcements!" exclaimed the old man. "Well..."




After what seemed like hours to Luther, the man finally agreed. He had been saying that the wizard population could be decimated by this. He sent about one hundred wizards with Luther, a fourth of the wizards at the tower. Luther was happy with the results. he left with his men, and thought about where to go next. Maybe the dwarves....




End of Chapter Six

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol, pretty interesting concept for a story. Haven't played RS in a while, are there really giant worms now or is that your own thing? Seems like one of those stories where bad leads to worse, and worse leads to worst, but in the end it all turns out okay, lol. I did notice that most of the time when someone new speaks you skip down to a new line, it should be all the time however. Not that big of a deal, but it makes it easier to keep up with who is speaking.

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yeah, its my own idea.




One thing. Do you think I should Change the king's name cause it sounds too much like LeBron James? You know, the whole King Lebron James thing? I hadn't really thought about it before....












:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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