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Actual Game-Clans

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We all know, we already have clans in the game, but are they official in-game? No. Everyone can join several and backstab others and you cant see in-game in what guild a person is.




So I thought of this, also with help of the game KalOnline which I played in my abscense to RuneScape(6 months). Their system worked as the following.




6 People had to visit an NPC as a so called 'party' and pay him 100k and create a guild within 12 lettres without numbers and no spaces.


After being created the leader of the party became actual leader of the guild, and the 2nd in place became Sub-Leader and the remaining 4 became higher positions, the 1s that are able to recruit others.




The guild has its own window in the game and can be viewed by pressing G or, in runescape, by a tab next to Tools or anywhere. It would show the amount of members , the donated xp and the levels / skill totals of the members and the names and the Ranks.




There were 5 ranks avaible, in high to low: Leader, SubLeader, Chief(recruiter), Member and Temporary member(wouldnt show guildname underneath character's name). All ranks can be appointed to others when wanted and names can be changed of the actual ranks, only leader cant be changed.




The number of people allowed was linked to the 'level' of the guild. You have 4 levels:




Level 1 - When guild created - No xp needed - Only makes guild avaible to recruit, no guildname underneath characters name yet. 24 Max members.




Level 2 - 500,000 xp donated needed - Shows guild name, increases max members to 40




Level 3 - 2,000,000 xp donated needed - Able to join alliances(will tell more later) increases max members to 55




Level 4 - 5,000,000 xp donated needed - Allows to join clanwar(will tell more later) and increases max members to 75.




A max would be handy to stop clans getting to strong and it being unfair and only about strength and wisdom would be irrelevant in clanwar.








You can create an alliance with other guilds, the 1 starting the alliance by inviting another clans will be the actual Ally-Leader. There can be 8 total clans in the alliance including Ally-Leader. There would be added another tab to the clan-window called Alliance, showing the clans and the clanleaders of the alliance. Alliances go to war together, cant damage eachother.








There would be a castle which would be fought over in runescape, cant think of a story for the castle but I bet JAGeX can, a flag has to be set up on-top of the castle , in the center(can only be placed by alliance leader), the war would last several hours and the winner will be castle owner for the next week and be on the RuneScape frontpage. Maybe they get some more options but I couldnt think of anything now.






The clan names are shown behind the combat level when you rightclick/move your mouse over a person.




I think I explained pretty much everything I had too, most likely forgot something, please just point out if you think I forgot something or thought of something wrong, and please dont flame :P









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Organized clan system good, his idea with the whole level and exp thing, bad. Too confusing and with all the 8-12 year olds playing Im pretty sure their brain will, uhh explode.

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i agree wit azn...theres too much uh..lil kids lol its too hard fer them to understand. but overall, its a good idea[fer ppl who can understand :o ]

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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Yeah great idea i saw close to the same thing on a different game. One thing I think that it should be money that has to be paid. Like 2mil for leader badge 1mil for subleader (which would be the recruiters) and 500k for members badges. Maybe something along the lines of that. And any guild at any times can participate in clan wars and create alliences. I think that that would work better with all of the smaller children playing this game

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So basicly, you played another game, liked the idea, and decided to suggest it for Runescape? Aren't there copyright laws on this thing?




Next thing you know you're going to start yelling at the makers of South Park for using a joke in the Simpsons!




It's a clan system, there is not much you can do with it to make it unique. Clans with different levels of leadership and the person being branded with the name of it have been existence since the Saxon's have been painting themselves blue. Don't flame the poor guy for seeing something he liked and wanting it put into Runescape.




Why are you not complaining about POH's being put into Runescape? Ultima Online was one of the first to do that. What about the idea of Alchemy? Isaac Newton was the first person to consider Alchemy as a real science so why aren't you complaining about how Jagex has completely stolen the idea from him?




Try making a real comment on it instead of lambasting him with an insult.




On-Topic: I think any clan system would be good and I do like the "party" system. I think I'd enjoy different rankings of guilds as well as classifications (including size). It'd be awesome if you could fight with your group of six another group of the same size without people interfering with it.




Something else that could be added to the clans is to call a clan member or a whole group of them. You can cast the spell by using 10 of this rune, 10 of that rune, etc. as a base amount and then add on one of each neccessary rune for each person being called into battle. Sort of a teleother, but into the wilderness and into battle.

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Television shows taking each other's jokes is a whole different matter. If they did not "make up" the joke, everybody is free to use it. As for a game's idea, it is theirs. They put it into their game, it was their idea, they copyrighted the game, so therefore they own it. Now, some player comes along, loves the idea, and decides to suggest it for another game. This player barely suggested anything new for it. He did not suggest his idea of a clan support sytem. He suggested part of another company's game. Are you trying to tell me that completely ripping off somebody's idea is ok?

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I was merely saying how their system works, my brain lacks of enough originality to alter the clan system and make it work so no copyrights get involved.




Please tell me where I suggested that the Runescape clan system should be EXACTLY the same as the kalonline one? I was merely giving an example how it could be because I have met the system myself and liked it. And it wasnt their idea either, Lineage was before them but I never played that game so I couldnt really put them as an example could I?




Hope this clears your problem up.

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Some kind of Jagex recognition of clans would be nice - an organized guild system (like most other MMORPGs) would be great. The current clan system isnt too bad, but backstabbing is certainly a problem.




I think that a good system would be to create some kind of area for clan wars. It could be a section of the wilderness or a castle.




Have it so that the clan leaders can enter people who come in on either side, and make it so that those sides can't be broken. The only thing is how leaders would be set, how more than two clans would be let in, etc. To have this actually work and not depend on one person entering accurately for a whole clan, though, you'd need to have Jagex recognize official clan memberlists. And this would create a binding contract of sorts for players, something most would probably reject.




But if you managed to do this it would prevent PJing, crashing and backstabbing. But as I'm writing and reasoning through this, this is seeming less and less like a good idea.




Ah well, might as well through it out there to be tweaked. Oh, and please tweak without and "that's dumb" comments. Thanks. : P

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Like the idea :)


But somebody posted about having to pay 500k+ to get badges and membership. I do not agree. Some people may like fighting and not concentrate on making money. Clan Wars would be the ultimate game for pures and Pkers alike, but making a 500k+ donation to the clan as a requirement to join would make it very unpopular.



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Like the idea :)


But somebody posted about having to pay 500k+ to get badges and membership. I do not agree. Some people may like fighting and not concentrate on making money. Clan Wars would be the ultimate game for pures and Pkers alike, but making a 500k+ donation to the clan as a requirement to join would make it very unpopular.




That isnt what it ment, it means that once youre in the clan, you can donate experience and get the clan boosted, if 50 members all donated 10k youd get 500k and youd become the next level which gives more options ;)

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im starting to think that jagex simply doesnt want players to have organised clans in their game. this has been suggested, proposed, lobbied, pleaded, begged, threatened and suggested some more, for YEARS. jagex should have put it in from day one, and have an npc on tutorial island explain player guilds to every new player.




clans are not hard to implement. there are dozens of great ways to make a clan system in a mmorpg, and lots of features you can have for the clans, like communications, teleporting on command, announcements, clan chat (only clannies can see what you say in public) etc. but for whatever reason, jagex has decided to not entertain the idea of player clans. even though players make their own clans, set up their own clan fansites, and are recognized in the game community, jagex refuses to officially recognize them.




then again, with this new year a lot has changed in the game. im actually thinking that there has been a big change in management. for one, the rack-down on macroers has been brought to the forefront. more rules have been added and enforced, and a lot of issues have been dealt with. i hope that jagex will implement a clan system. maybe they already have 1 in mind, and maybe they will release it in an update or a new version of runescape. but for whatever it is, i'm really fed up of good suggestions for a clan system like this one fall on deaf ears. sorry for being so pessimistic, but ive been playing for almost a year, and ive played quite a few other online rpgs, and clan formation is so basic im surprised jagex has slept on such a great feature like that

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i can't believe jagex has not yet done what other games have and added clan support




ESPECIALLY when they have clan forums and recognize themselves that they add to the game




. but for whatever reason, jagex has decided to not entertain the idea of player clans..





Actually, you're wrong




if you browse the archives and look at the behind the scenes posted on March 31 2004




You'll see, and i quote,






"And are also planning on adding even bigger features, that really take advantage of our new engines abilities, such as:




Player owned houses - Each player will be able to have their own unique house. Use the new carpentry skill to make new/rare things for your house. Using the farming skill to grow herbs and plants in the grounds of your house. Build your own private party areas and shop areas, and more!




Clan support, to allow you to optionally form your own clans with your friends.




Mutiplayer castle arena for massive team based wars!




Randomly generated scenarios, where a new adventure is generated for you and your friends each time you go on it. Form an adventuring party and go on your own personal quest.




So there's lots to look forward to! We think the next year will be very exciting. "

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i didnt know that, irool, thanks. i suppose they are considering it, but that has been over 2 years ago. even though poh's are also not released yet, i cant see how the 2 are related. i really hope that its an update that will be coming soon. the buzz about the release of carpentry (now construction) is getting really big lately. yet they havent been saying a lot lately about implementing clans

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