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Just got my cannon and...


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I'm looking for some ideas for spots to use it at. So far, all I see people is is nail town guards with them, but I was wondering, would spots like the harpie bugs maybe be a good spot? Any other unique spots to try for good drops?


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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the place down by the lessers in karamja volcano seems a good place

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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awesoem place is rock crabs....they are seriously annyoing for other players but still its the best place!




u need to awaken the rock crabs yourself though, i just run around awaking them up then let the cannon kill!

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Daggs are fun. You need high range defence because they all still hit you (well, i never saw a safespot.. there might be one i guess) but it's pretty good exp. If you're there for 10 minutes and dont get a clue, i'd be amazed :P

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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Although dag clues are only lvl 2, they are imo the best cannoning xp in the game. Set up the cannon wearing something with 200+ range def and let it rip. You'll see the xp go up in no time.

99 cooking / 99 magic / 99 ranged / 99 hitpoints / 99 herblore / 99 defence




Quoted for truth, wisest thing I've heard anyone say on Runescape.

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