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Possible Solution for skill list after new skill - moving HP


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Well with the possible release of the new skill "Construction", I began thinking of how the skill list would look, as there is no room for it. With my thoughts wandering off, I started thinking about how much I hate flipping to the skill list. Especially just to see how many hitpoints I have and whether or not I should eat. Which led me to think that perhaps Jagex could kill two birds with one stone.




Why not move Hitpoints out of the skill list and leave it permanently visible beside the mini-map? Then just simply place the Construction skill in HitpointÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s old spot.




Everyone would see his or her health, which fluctuates the most, at all times and could leave their screen showing their inventory.




EDIT: Here is a picture of the placement of the skills, minus the flow the Hitpoints skill would have in regards to the on-screen appearance.









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I don't like the way it's just "there", it looks ugly but, having said that, it would be done professionally so i guess it could look alright. But i'm going to guess they'll just add a scroll bar to the skill list or something.

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Couldn't agree with you more on the just "there" look. The picture was more of a way of showing where the hitpoints would be placed and I would expect Jagex to make it look good, if they were to put this into the game. Should of made a point of mentioning that earlier.




The point is more so that I really don't want a scroll-bar in my skills list and I would prefer to be able to constantly see my Hitpoints. Thus take out Hitpoints from the list and place it else where and put Construction in its spot.

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i dunt excacly agree wit idea becuz i dunt mind flippin/clikin to tha stats bars thing and also, it wouldnt look good jus "there" like everone else said

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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I think it's a good idea, save time watching health when fighting. A scroll bar would be annoying after a while. Maybe as well as the number it could be shown graphically eg change colour or a bar so we can just glance at it, nice stats btw :D

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I'm not really sure. Although it does sound like a good idea and would save a lot of time, hitpoints doesn't really coincide with construction(probably) So you wouldnt really need to see your hitpoints at the same time.




I do think it's a good idea and I would prefer this to heppen, but I don't know wheather jagex would to so much trouble this.

Member of Ruthless 25 may 2006 - present

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Dont really agree with the idea because I enjoy seeing all my skills filled correctly in the stats list, even thought HP will still be a bit above it it wont look good, I see HP as a skill more then I see it as a lifesaver.




I like the current way it looks and if JAGeX wants too they could just add a row so it wont be 3x7 but like 4x7(7 more skill slots) or 3x8(3 more skill slots).




It would make the actual RS client a bit bigger but who cares about those several inches? Although it will affect quests, tools, inventory and everything too, I guess they should just make the sidebar bigger but smaller on stats. ::)




Like this I was thinking: (Quickly made lol)





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This would work too,if you put QP at the top of the Quests page..








Note: I didn't make this lol

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How about putting Construction at the bottom of the list? So you scroll it to construction. Or they'll do your idea. Or they'll make the icons smaller(EDIT:like Nanosauromo said). So I don't know why you need to move HP up, if you would do construction at a non Lif or Dth time? No. So it won't make sense. and if they did do that, they'd put something like defence there, as they kinda grouped the skills by what they do...

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I dont think they will just throw a skill into a random spot on the screen (like on your picture). Instead I hope the entire screen will be made larger. Nobody uses the 640*480 resolution, even the 800*600 screens arent a web standard anymore, so making the entire screen larger to fit all future updates would be the best solution.

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Instead of just having hp on the left side of the minimap, i think it would be needed to put prayer on the right side of it, because if your pking, not only do you want to watch your health, you want to watch your prayer if your either protect item*ing(?), smiting, or protecting from melee, range, or mage against a pjer. Even to stretch the idea out more, you could customize which skills you want to be listed there, because some people i know, when they are training, they like to see how fast their experience goes up.




Long post :shock:



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lets face it. jagex needs to revamp the runescape interface. most importantly, we need a HUD on the top of the screen with a hp bar/monitor, and a prayer monitor. Also there should be a slide bar on the side of the skills list to make room for more.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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