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This is kinda a joke, but Jagex should change, in the general store, the left click option (the first option) to sell all!!!, instead of value loool.






That would be sooooooo funny to watch someone accidentally sell a partyhat, other rares, or large quantities of items. :twisted:




lol, i just think that would be hillarious...






I would just sit in the general store with all my cash, ready to buy anything that is accidentally sold :twisted: lol



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do u mean a "sell all" that would sell everything in inventory? lol that would be a little weird i must admit :? a "sell all" for a single kind of item would be nice in f2p instead of selling 10 at a time though :D

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Yeah, but I think somebody would seriously faint if they sold 10 Blue Phats to a general store without realising it. They could just buy them back though for a very cheap price.




I wouldnt mind buying a Phat form a general store. Thatll save me several M's.



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Why hasn't this topic being locked yet? Someone care PM a mod?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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... if jagex really accepts that .. nobody would ever go to general stores to sell their stuff ever again. but i don't use general stores anyway. only to buy my tinderboxes, chisels and hammers.




and no ... jagex wouldnt even accept that. haha. economy will be seriously affected. if everything is sold to the general store 1/2 the street price of the item ... OMG. and one other thing, it would mean that jagex would have to increase the general store space.




if one guy sells everything in his inventory, that would mean 28 slots wouldn't it? i dun think general store has so much space for even 3 guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why hasn't this topic being locked yet? Someone care PM a mod?




You could just press the report button then it would be taken care of faster.




Since this is turning into a flame war I better some water on it.






Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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