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gilded armour (all yellow) ----> p2p only?


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i know (t), (g), (h), and all god armors are f2p, but i just wanted to know if non-members can buy gilded armor. i'm about to buy a red mask, and im not sure whether ill buy full zammy to go with it, or just go straight for gilded if thats possible, cuz i AM a non member.









Level 77 for life. Lol.

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From our Treasure Trails Guide:




Remember, most of the "special items" in the table below can be only be used by members, meaning that they cannot be traded or sold on F2P worlds. Only the metal and dragonhide armours (trimmed or gold trimmed), God armours and trimmed or gold trimmed wizard robes can be used by both F2P'ers and P2P'ers.




So no, gilded armour CANNOT be traded to non-members.

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