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Where to use a Cannon????


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hey guys just got my cannon i am just wondering where the best spot is to train with this!! Should i kill low level monster with like 20 hp or should i go for some with like 50 er 60 hp???

79 combat pure

77 hp

88 str

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I noticed a good place above castle wars, past observatory where there is a hill giant respawn. On low player servers that location is empty! Its also my hidden secret training spot. Bank located @ castle wars, pretty close.

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Id like to access my bank account please.

Certainly sir.

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I noticed a good place about castle wars where there is a hill giant respawn. On low player servers that location is empty! Its also my hidden secret training spot. Bank located @ castle wars, pretty close.


I've never knew that, thanks. You helped 2 ppl out :)




Lesser Demons is a OK place too, in Kamjara Volcano.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I noticed a good place about castle wars where there is a hill giant respawn. On low player servers that location is empty! Its also my hidden secret training spot. Bank located @ castle wars, pretty close.


I've never knew that, thanks. You helped 2 ppl out :)




Lesser Demons is a OK place too, in Kamjara Volcano.


Btw, since that's non-multi you'd want to hide where they can't hit you so that it att's them all.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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This one may sound strange, but I LOVE to hit Harpie Bug Swarms. Set it up on the edge, they won't reach ya much, it mows them down. You make an INSANE amount of gold as they drop around 300 each when they do, and you make a even more insane amount of fire runes. Try it atleast once, I implore you.


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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Whats the diff between Multi and Normal?


Where u get EITHER

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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Whats the diff between Multi and Normal?


Where u get EITHER




Normal, you hit an enemy, it hits you.


Multi, you hit an enemy, him, his family, friends, and old school buddies swarm over and attack you also.






All it means is combat can be any number on any number, it also means, in the case of cannons, that it will continue to shoot all enemies even if one engages you.


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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where is this place of the Harpie Bug Swarms idk where that is just tell me where it is and i will go try it out im rite now doing the whole kahazard troopers decent exp but where are the Harpie Bug Swarms?

79 combat pure

77 hp

88 str

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there is only one place where the Harpie Bug Swarm exist, and thats the nothern cost of the southern part of karamja




If you have done jungle potion recently, then you might remember some swirling monsters that you gone past to get 2 of the herbs, those swirling monsters are Harpie bug swarms




Please dont forget harpie bug lantern and your lv 33 slayer (i forgot about mine when i was recovering from the kamil clone in recipe for disaster, tried to hit wall beast, hit nearly 100 zero's and nearly reported jagex as a bug :P)

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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