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Where shall Tip.it settle?


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The Search for a place to Hangout




I was just thinking about the possibilities that have been given to Runescape players. I figure that it would be a great way to show wealth and a great place for clans to hang out.




So...why should Tip.it have to suffer? :?




I say that when prices on construction materials have gone done a trustworthy and loyal member of tip.it should bless us fellow brothers with an unmatched gift.




So...what is this crazy person trying to say? :)








I propose that after things have calmed down that we shoulc hold yet another fundraiser to donate a massive amount of money to a player whom we all hold to high respect. This player should have a high enough construction level so that they could construct most objects in the hangout spot.




Of course, since this player would be so kind as to let his own home be dominated by tip.it users he would have to follow suggestions that we have for the house.




The money from the fundraiser would go to the recontruction of the players home so that the hangout spot could be used for tip.it users to enjoy.




This does not mean the money will be spent so expensive items such as the demonic throne could be added to the house. :P No...it means that the most fun rooms for a group would be added.




This is just a suggestion from one brother to another. If plans go underway to construct this hangout club for this community I plan to personally donate what little money I have left on my account. Roughly 2 million gold.




Don't be a hater...support the cause. :twisted:

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Guest mmortalone

this is actually a really great idea, but the only problem I can see wrong is that the person has to be on and in his house to let ppl in...




I would nominate The_Valor




It would be cool if as an add-on later to POH's, you could build a "meeting place, that would be a couple rooms, that would have an "accept list" that is the same as a friend's list, but you would put all the members of tip it on, and then anyone on that list can go there any time they want, even without the person who built the place being there.




now, THAT would be cool

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this is actually a really great idea, but the only problem I can see wrong is that the person has to be on and in his house to let ppl in...




I would nominate The_Valor




It would be cool if as an add-on later to POH's, you could build a "meeting place, that would be a couple rooms, that would have an "accept list" that is the same as a friend's list, but you would put all the members of tip it on, and then anyone on that list can go there any time they want, even without the person who built the place being there.




now, THAT would be cool

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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that would be doing a disservice to the person who owns the house. TIp.it is global and the person would have pressure of having to be on all the time as not to let down the pople who had paid to make te house.




His health would deteriorate and his muscles would atrophy.




The valor didnt do anythign too spectacular, he just posted a flawed method that he got from wakka.




The live house workbench mthod is a hell of alot better than what he did in his vid.




Let the people who want to spend the money on the game, have the nicest house, dont rally to make us throw our money away so w can have 1 person get an uber level.




Unfair to him and unfair to us. If anything we can rate the niceset and most usefull houses, and go to those based off of who is online at the time.




Slay on,






The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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I think that Jagex will solve this problem sooner or later by introducing COH (clan owned houses). What we can do is try to convince Jagex that they should do this sooner. Making a post in sugestion part of official Runescape forum, would be one of the possible ways of promoting this idea.


The mechanism of COH could be like this. You have to buy certificate to build a COH. Let's say the certificate would cost 5m, then you have to get at least 10 signatures of other clan members so that the certificate becomes valid. Those 10 (or more) would be considered founders of the clan house and have some privileges. Additional members could be added later to max number of 100 or smthlt.

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Maybe just a forum or sticky with a list of people who have fairly nice houses who are up to hosting some Tip.It'ers for a few hours. Then everyone could meet at that house, he could show of his house, but when he wants to go off he could kick everyone out and they move onto the next house posted or open.




Otherwise that person would always have to be on. And to make a very nice house you don't actually need vast quantities of money, it's all the marble and magic stones that will cost lots. If they player is wealthy enough they wouldn't need donations.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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axe man jack has it right you know, that's pretty much summed up exactly what I was thinking when i read the idea.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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