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I've got a question that I really hope can be answered by someone. I'm likely going to be a member for the summer months (i.e. July and August, possibly September), mostly for POHs. So this is my question: You've invested hours into your house, but you have to cut off your membership. What happens to your house? Does it stay and you just can't access it, or does it just disappear? Thanks! :)

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Everything basically freezes when you go back to f2p. My crops stay where they are and my bank stays the way it is at. I keep everything that is on me, so basically it means you are on a f2p server while you do have member credits left but you cant use anything that is members. Dont fret either you keep everything in your bank or keep members, your house should stay where it is at.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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I was a member and now F2P, and I think that getting a membership just for the houses is a waste of time becuase you wont get to use it going back to F2P. Then again Runescape itself is a waste of time. Better yet let's step it up to a philisophical level and say life is a waste of time because we are just going to die anyways.




Basicly, you are just going to burn money with the house. I'm not sure how fun it actually is making, but there are funner things on P2P. As a matter of fact, there are funner things other than Runescape.




Im not telling you what to do. If you have a lot of Runescape cash then go ahead make a house.

Good day sir, how may I help you?

Id like to access my bank account please.

Certainly sir.

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Everything basically freezes when you go back to f2p. My crops stay where they are and my bank stays the way it is at. I keep everything that is on me, so basically it means you are on a f2p server while you do have member credits left but you cant use anything that is members. Dont fret either you keep everything in your bank or keep members, your house should stay where it is at.


Yeah, he's right. I've got potatoes planted which have been waiting to be harvested for 5 months.

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Everything basically freezes when you go back to f2p. My crops stay where they are and my bank stays the way it is at. I keep everything that is on me, so basically it means you are on a f2p server while you do have member credits left but you cant use anything that is members. Dont fret either you keep everything in your bank or keep members, your house should stay where it is at.


Yeah, he's right. I've got potatoes planted which have been waiting to be harvested for 5 months.


I have a bunch of diseased potatoes, theyve been there for like 3 monthes, lol

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The top tip for F2P -> P2P -> F2P has to be:




Load your bank with every item you want, every ore, every bar, every raw and cooked food, items complete and incomplete, cowhide feathers, all kinds of logs.




Any F2P item you have in the bank, you can stack more onto, just don't remove the last one, or you won't be able to restock it.




Ensure that when your P2P ends , you are wearing F2P kit with a spare in the bank, with at least two of any item that you will need to talke 1 out and put back.




PS. be careful with stackable items like coins, runes, feathers, arrows - a careless "withdraw all" could screw up the arrangement. For bulk items, never run down to your last 28.

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Everything just stays the same. On f2p worlds, you can't access it or look at it. For example, farming patches just fill with weeds on f2p, but if u log back on to members ur crops are still there.

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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