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woodcutting lowbie's


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I dont know if there is a topic on this yet, but it's something I wanted to discuss.




Untill a few months ago only ok people cutted yews. And with normal I mean combat level above 40. When I wanted to cut some yews today I saw freaking level 3's and 4's EVERYWHERE cutting yew trees.




Personally I think jagex needs to put a str req. on cutting axes, cause it's MUCH more easier to make a macro for cutting yews than for mining. And yes, I think the mayority of those low levels uses a macro.

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Then destroy the WC skill pures, I dont get why people make them when they could work on their main.


Go with the Str!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Then destroy the WC skill pures, I dont get why people make them when they could work on their main.


Go with the Str!




Totally agreed. I still dont understand why people make pures (And I dont mean combat, mage or range pures). That way you just [bleep] up your main + there is a rule made by jagex: Its ok to have 10 accounts as long as they dont have contact with eahother in the form of trading items and stuff. So all those pures are breaking the rules... (again non combat pures)




edit: + you cant fool me in telling ALL the level 3's and 4's I see I pures and they ALL ignore trade screens and conversations. Those people whould be banned on the spot!

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its a game. stop complainig. If there is a woodcutting pure, stop being mentally challenged and just let them cut wood. Are they interfering with your game.




wow, have you seriously not been paying attention to these past few months? Autoers do interfere with the game...guess wat? since there are so many of them, there are a lots of yews bring a concept called "supply and demand" into play. While the supply increases, demand decreases, resutling in a decrease of price. So for the all the honest yew cutters, their prices have been diminshed to a low price thanks to them. You are the mentally challenged one here my friend. Ok, now on topic, this is a phenominal idea except that the autoers would just use bronze/iron axes then...and you can't put a requirement on bronze..

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its a game. stop complainig. If there is a woodcutting pure, stop being mentally challenged and just let them cut wood. Are they interfering with your game.




wow, have you seriously not been paying attention to these past few months? Autoers do interfere with the game...guess wat? since there are so many of them, there are a lots of yews bring a concept called "supply and demand" into play. While the supply increases, demand decreases, resutling in a decrease of price. So for the all the honest yew cutters, their prices have been diminshed to a low price thanks to them. You are the mentally challenged one here my friend. Ok, now on topic, this is a phenominal idea except that the autoers would just use bronze/iron axes then...and you can't put a requirement on bronze..




I think you will find you are the mentally challenged one, ReaperX said Wc pures (not autoers) don't cause you any bother which they don't.

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