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First Pixel Image - Need Assistance.


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Hello there, my internet was down yesterday so I started a Pixel image. I have laid the base colour on the face and hair. Currently working on shading the face. The hair will be white, with a grey undertone.




Please give any advice on improving the work, and or rate it.




Remember this is my first pixel image.




EDIT: I do not know how to make the image any larger, sorry.





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:shock: that is some scary stuff.






You might want to try stay away from the computer, get a piece of paper and pratice to draw something. Use those marvel or DC comic character as reference.






Since I won't judge a 7 years old's drawing and say it is bad... I probably won't judge this.

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:shock: that is some scary stuff.






You might want to try stay away from the computer, get a piece of paper and pratice to draw something. Use those marvel or DC comic character as reference.






Since I won't judge a 7 years old's drawing and say it is bad... I probably won't judge this.




Im absolutly hopeless at drawing on paper, only thing im decent at is painting miniture models. :?

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is the hair made up of...nails? if not it should not be as pointy and.....ummmm....nail ish...




The only reference i took was from my runescape character, but I wanted to steer away from the plain hairstyle....hence the rather eccentric hair. Don't know if this is a good thing or not....but I like the hair. :?

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His arms look a bit symmetrical... You might want to fix that. Y'know. Maybe having his other arm doing something... Disregard the obvious gross-joke in the previous comment.




His face looks a bit... scary. He looks very expressionless. Maybe add an expression to his face?


It really has

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you need to draw faces more.. I really suggest you draw out your characters before hand and definately use plenty of references..




Heres what I drew in the last 5 minutes using a biro on printing paper,








when you know how to shape characters heads, it's just straight forward, use your common sense to help you draw naturally, don't use any anime/manga for reference either because those artists too originally started out drawing from observation, all cartoons are just exagerations of real life and will probably set you off in the wrong direction..




Do not be symetrical with your pixel work, because it just looks unatural, and downright scary.








oh also, when drawing lips, don't outline where they are, you're better adding the shadow under the mouth to hint the bottom lip and shadow the top lip.










because when you think about it light doesn't reach the top lip, and the bottom lip creates a shadow below.

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His arms look a bit symmetrical... You might want to fix that. Y'know. Maybe having his other arm doing something... Disregard the obvious gross-joke in the previous comment.




His face looks a bit... scary. He looks very expressionless. Maybe add an expression to his face?




Thank you for the help :D

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you need to draw faces more.. I really suggest you draw out your characters before hand and definately use plenty of references..




Heres what I drew in the last 5 minutes using a biro on printing paper,








when you know how to shape characters heads, it's just straight forward, use your common sense to help you draw naturally, don't use any anime/manga for reference either because those artists too originally started out drawing from observation, all cartoons are just exagerations of real life and will probably set you off in the wrong direction..




Do not be symetrical with your pixel work, because it just looks unatural, and downright scary.








oh also, when drawing lips, don't outline where they are, you're better adding the shadow under the mouth to hint the bottom lip and shadow the top lip.










because when you think about it light doesn't reach the top lip, and the bottom lip creates a shadow below.




Thanks alot for the detailed help. When you tell me to use a reference, can i use any old face I find over google, or should I be looking for specific ones?

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well it helps to find a face thats in the same angle as what you want to draw, but whatever you do don't just copy a reference for a final image, use a few to draw your own interpretation.. But if you're finding it hard then it is definately a good idea to just draw draw draw, copy images (sketches) to get yourself used to facial proportions, you'll develop and eventually become much better.. sooner or later you should be able to just draw amazingly of the top of your head (because you're so used to it)..




see my signature below, I've drawn that doll a good 5 times.. Heres my first atempt :oops: .. I gotta say, it's really embarassing.




I was too caught up in getting the textures right to realise the proportions are just hidious, I can't remember what I was thinking when I drew this :x .

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Yeh, Terley, the mouth looks like it's open and she has an oversized tongue in there making her cheek stick out... o_O




Plus her face is tilted downwards, as though she was looking at the floor, but the nose doesn't show that too well.




Meh. Still very good compared to most people though. :lol:

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well it helps to find a face thats in the same angle as what you want to draw, but whatever you do don't just copy a reference for a final image, use a few to draw your own interpretation.. But if you're finding it hard then it is definately a good idea to just draw draw draw, copy images (sketches) to get yourself used to facial proportions, you'll develop and eventually become much better.. sooner or later you should be able to just draw amazingly of the top of your head (because you're so used to it)..




see my signature below, I've drawn that doll a good 5 times.. Heres my first atempt :oops: .. I gotta say, it's really embarassing.




I was too caught up in getting the textures right to realise the proportions are just hidious, I can't remember what I was thinking when I drew this :x .






Thanks for the help *gets out pen and pad* :P

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