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Which member's quests to do?


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I'm going to get members for the first time and i was confused by all the quests.






what are the main quests i should do first?




what quests should i stay away from? (not really worth the time)





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New members guide that will soon be posted on Tip.It website:








It tells some essential quests (Druidic Ritual for herblore, different quests to gain access to different areas), and also how to start each member skill (well, except Construction. Darn. Now I gotta add that. :P )




Hope it is of some help to you.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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I recommend honestly, doing EVERY single quest you can.


I know its a lot, especially if you are a member for the first time.


But man, quests help out.


Especially in skills that you are lacking.


If you dont meet the requirements for a quest, that itself is good motivation to train up :)


Welcome to members :D



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when i became member (last week) i started with Lost city


Its not hard and u can wield a Dlong.


After that one i did Waterfall, it gives u a good train area

- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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The quests I strongly suggest you do early on are:




first part of Recepie for disaster -> access to bank chest in Lumbridge


Druidic ritual -> to start herblore


Lost City -> if your attack is high enough to wield dragon weapons, otherwise you can wait with this one


Tree gnome village -> to be able to use the spirit tree teleports, very useful before you have ardounge teleport for example, also very useful to get to the gnome stronghold where you start to train agility.


Priest in Peril -> if you want to access the whole morytaina area, where for exampel the slayer tower is located.


Temple of Ikov -> to get the ugliest and most useful non-combat boots in game. The boots of lightness remove 4 kg of your weight, which means you can run longer before running out of energy.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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