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Ok i barly play RS anymore, but after playing WoW just for awhile, and played through an instance, i think it would work well for jagex to input an instance kinda dongeon into rs.




What is an instance you may ask? Well it simply is a dongeon where only you may enter or if they somehow make it, can go into with a party. Basicly you go along, and collect treasure from monsters, and eventualy get to the end where there is a boss.




Anyone like?


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Kalphite Queen?




Dag Kings?


Chaos Elemental?


Giant Mole?


And to a lesser extent, TzTok-Jad?




Been there, done that.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Let's see, all those listed above, plus almost the entire wilderness, for lower levels the Moss Giants in Varrock Sewers, the ENTIRE Dragon Slayer quest...


Just because they aren't called instances dosn't mean they aren't the same concept.

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Nope, not those, i mean stuff you can only go on with yourself, or a specific group, and once your in, you cant get back out (telle dosent work either). And you would be garuenteed good items throughout the whole instance run.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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What is being talked about is the idea World of Warcraft ripped off from EverQuest. The aspect is that you and or your group could go into a place and trigger the dungeon or whatever, to be only usable by you and your group. Basicly the rest of the world stays the same but you and your group are taken to another server where the dungeon sits for only you to use. You have free access to everything in it and no one else can get in.




You could also think about it like in Diablo. You and your friends want to go dungeon crawling so you create a game and lock it.

Tsi Ani-Yunwiya



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This is what makes RS different from WoW. It's not WoW. It shouldn't have the same things...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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LOL what makes RS different from WoW is design team, customer support, graffix, game play, and many many more things that RS just cannot compete with. Thats why RS can go as free or have people pay 5.99 where as WoW has a set price twice that of members. Thats why RS is RS and WoW is WoW.

Tsi Ani-Yunwiya



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This is what makes RS different from WoW. It's not WoW. It shouldn't have the same things...




^ i agree..




and i dont like this idea, like Nanosauromo said, been there done that.





\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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