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Dueling confirmation screen

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Ok I'll cut straight to the chase here. The old dueling confirmation screen was 40 times better than the one right now.




The current one does not actually allow you to confirm what you are going to do in the duel, and if you messed up in the first screen you are unlikely to pick it up on the second. The message "some equipment may be taken off in the duel" is vague and does not indicate whether, for example, if weapons are on or not. All aside, all the texts over the screen are impossible to check for the average person and even if they were, a person rushing to their 200k would quickly forget that "prayer on" is not displayed in the screen if prayer was on.




As a direct result of this I have lost at least 300k out of my 1M winnings over the week from stupid guys putting food on, pots on, mage on, melee off, etc. And most annoying of all, even though I reported every single one of these noobs, its unlikely that jagex would ban anyone for stake duels. It is infact unlikely that jagex would actually ban anyone for a legitimate reason at all.




My suggestion? Go make the 2nd screen a frozen version of the first screen. I know for a fact when I stake, I wait until the other person has accepted, then double check the rules before commencing the duel. The 2nd screen to me serves the only purpose of confirming whether or not I had noticed any fishy activity during the previous screen.

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Get glasses or dont duel. Easy as that :notalk:




Shut up and come back when you know what you are talking about. It is not possible to confirm all the rules in the second screen. Even if I got glasses and spent 1 hour checking the second screen it still does nothing. Full stop. You sir are an imbecile.




The implementation will take 10 minutes max of andy's time, and with all the stupid security implementations (dungeon of security? ok...) maybe he should actually get some common sense.

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Are you stupid? maging someone with no runes is nothing better than pulling 200k off that full rune trade you had in the last sec.




GOD. Why is tip it full of so many idiots who have their interests set on defending Jagex? On one hand Jagex is banning people for having their name as "X neg D", on the other they are letting scammers run free with money they do not deserve.

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easy way to fix it which will never happen is to put dueling back to the old rsc way- 4 options wasn't hard to control, maybe even throw the armour on or off option because it seems popular(I haven't dueled much on rs2 but I was killer on rsc)

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Are you stupid? maging someone with no runes is nothing better than pulling 200k off that full rune trade you had in the last sec.




GOD. Why is tip it full of so many idiots who have their interests set on defending Jagex? On one hand Jagex is banning people for having their name as "X neg D", on the other they are letting scammers run free with money they do not deserve.


the only reason so many stupid people are on tip.it (take you for example) are that they think they know every lttle thing about runescape.


Also i123i is right if u keep reporting people for things you think are wrong and really are allowed, you will get baned for abousing the system


Alright Confusces CJ has spoken.... Till next time.

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Ok, I am posting about a vulnerability that can be used to scam people. With this vulnerability on a slow computer it is very hard to detect, as the computer has a huge lag period between the clicking of the "accept" button, and the "accept" message actually being sent to the runescape server. It is not like trade item scams because the second screen doesn't actually tell you that the scammer is trying to scam you, unlike with the trade screens.




Your accusation of "if you can't sort it out then don't duel" is unfair and unbacked. It's like telling the people who Durial321 killed that, it was their fault for selling their valuable items at falador in the first place on that day. This call is childish and inflammatory.




"they think they know every lttle thing" - please, don't shoot yourself down with hypocrisy. After making about 5-6m on my staker now (I don't care if you don't believe me, save yourself the effort and don't tell me "lololu r ma3kin it up l0l"), over 400+ duels, I have gained good knowledge on the topic of dueling and staking. My staker infact, can completely stake all your money off your character if you give me the pleasure of doing so, but I will not get into a "my character is better than yours" argument. You on the other hand, whom I doubt has more than 6m cash in total, would just come along and tell me to shut the hell up, because you know more than I do. When I try to defend my position you come along with an even more ragingly mediocre claim, telling me that, hey, my foot's over my head, I have NO IDEA what I'm talking about. Stop flamming people. Ok?

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PlutoniumCross is right you can't check all the rules, you can check through all the rules on the first page after they agree, but it should work exactly how they explain. When both people agree the first time all the options are frozen and all you can do is confirm the rules are the ones you want. That's how it should've been in the first place.

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